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Milli's Posts

Re: Town Hall Meeting Report

I plan to attend the meeting because I live 2 hours away from Toronto. I will just have to free my schedule for the day.

over 8 years ago
Re: re: €2040

Greetings everybody,

I have logged on to the site after some time but I dont think that I have missed too much.

I have been reading the news from time to time.

I just look at where the company (POET) stands as of today and what progress they have made over the last few years. We have certainly attained some milestones which cannot be undone. We are probably taking the news of cancellation at the Belgium conference as a sign of under delivering from the company but it actually has nothing to do with the future success of the company. In a business model where there are real products and manufacturing is involved, things have to progress at a certain pace and we should not expect overnight quadrupling of the stock price.

I think whenever wefeel insecure in our investment we should go back to asking the question if POET is heading in the right direction and that is all that matters. We have a world class management and a unique product and the right market demand for it. To me this is a winning combination and a few months delay really is a non issue.

over 8 years ago
Re: The new white paper

Thanks for posting the link.

almost 9 years ago
Re: The new white paper

Hello Everybody,

FJ, would you be kind enough to explain what are "white papers" and if there is a link to them?

almost 9 years ago
Re: question for the board

Hello to all,

Reading the Conference Call transcript opens up insights that were missed on initially listening to it. I feel more and more confident in the bright future of the cmpany. Of particular note is the realistic and reined down expectations painted by the management which also fits into realistic time frame horizon. 6 months to 1 year is a very realistic time frame and will pass quickly before we can eat the fruits of our investments.

almost 9 years ago
Re: Well said,Rainer

I just think that there are no NEW buyers. The existing buyers are either maxed out of their desired position or are simply out of cash like myself.

over 9 years ago
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