jets911's Profile

jets911's Posts


These guys are great at killing off momentum. almost the same deal as POET warrant and all

almost 8 years ago
Re: New buyer M Partners

Could PC have lined these guys up to get to do the balance of the capital raise thru these guys? Especially given how the last one turned out he may have suggested these guys to help get a better deal. 

almost 8 years ago
Re: Mix and match lasers - A*STAR & IMRE Research

 Remember what COO said when he was appointed: Dr. Deshmukh commented: “I see tremendous potential with POET Technology’s innovative approach to combining Si based IC’s with III-V materials based optical components on the same chip that could revolutionize the mobility, telecommunications/networking, large data management, and other technology sectors.  I am very excited to be part of the team to drive this innovation into the market”.

almost 8 years ago
Super capacitors and EVs

When this happens it will drive EVs higher - hopefully POET benefits

almost 8 years ago
Re: Third Quarter

Not likely. They have fixed most of the DL issues according to their update. They may clean house at the senior levels given that they are asking for a substantial repayment of the stock issue. This is a trust issue and if it were me I would want my guy inside making sure that the commitments were met on time and no nasty surprises and cost control while meeting sales targets. If they can sustain the margin increase that they achieved in the last quarter and increase overall sales while constraining costs it is likely that they will hit their targeted positive cashflow. They were already well into the quarter when they issued their quarterly report so they probably have high confidence in hitting that target as there are fewer risks with the Denslight forecast than the POET new products. They already knew their capital and operating costs structure when they issued their update on Nov 28 so it is likely in my view that they will hit or ideally exceed their target of $1.8.

almost 8 years ago
Director Proxy Process

From a quick read we can nominate someone at the AGM and thru the proxy process select that same person(s) to vote our shares at the AGM. They must be in attendance at the AGM and we would have to have filed our proxy with the company in advance to allow that person(s) to vote our shares.,_2015.pdf

More research needs to be done as to how this could be accomplished but first we would need a person who would be good for the spot that we all would ovte for and would have confidence in and a consensus that this is something that the retail folks want to pursue.


almost 8 years ago
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