Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
in response to Funkey1's message

I have been in Europe for a funeral of a relative so am catching up on comments here.

From Timmins Press through Republic of Mining re Lavigne:
"Up until now “none of the companies involved in developing the Ring of Fire had any sales contracts with potential buyers. And without a sale contract, you can’t go to the bank to raise money for a mine,” said Lavigne. “In this case, 60% of the chromium market is controlled by the Chinese. They produce the stainless steel we see every day here. Without them as a customer, there’s no chance you could put the Ring of Fire into
True Chines are major customers but they are not the only ones and Canada with USA are the local customers so who is to say that we should not consider this market first.

"Chinese in exchange for a secure source of chromite to support their country’s stainless steel industry."
So what is wrong with doing same to support OUR feable steel industry. In answer nothing but our inept politicians.

ROFrocks just who is in heavy or heavier debt according to you?
According to me compared to Noront it is KWG.
KWG now owns a small share of the Ring's chomite and to get it to market has to give a sizable portion to the Chinese to pay for the railway ( should it happen) and finally there are the natives in line for a hand out, sooo what will remain for KWG?
And KWG is not relying on governments? You must be ignoring the permit systen and the natives.
I remind you, low sp and heavy load of outstanding shares is also a debt. Sp difference is the final verdict, it represents the opinion of the investing public.

Neville re smoke, I do: With regard to Chinese and rail - A huge exaggeration so much so that it is a half lie imo. Half lie is based on half truth and therefore flies better than an outright one.

A few posters on this forum are blaming Noront for supposed friction between KWG and Noront. I say that they are the ones causing that friction through bashing this stock. Their comments at best belong on the other forum, not here.

Wishing, you are out of line. Noront Is cooperating with KWG. Perhaps you are unaware of the past history between these two companies. What difference there is between them is that KWG is now focused on rail ( understandably they have to do or die on that) while Noront is foremost on road and permitting of the nickel ore mine and rail is at a later date. I remind you that the native communities also want road before rail so what can be done if they do not get their wish?

"Some of the major discussions in the past have centred on whether the best way to transport chromite out of the Ring of Fire is by rail or road."
"Achneepineskum says they are more supportive of using roads as it would connect more First Nations communities with all-weather roads."
After all this time I am amazed that there are still such statements. It demonstrates how some people are behind the times. Of course natives are or should be for roads BUT Not for chromite transportation. For that rail is about the only answer.

Dennis "FOR SHAME!' applies more onto us the apathetic citizens of this country as it is on our politicians, Because ultimately we are responsible for the type of politicians and government we have.

Tin Man, Thank You cause you have a clear perspective according to all knowing Me, ;-).

Ed commenting from Europe, good luck to All, yes even to those I call bashers.

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southern Ontario (often in Europe)
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