Professor Woland's Profile

Professor Woland's Posts

Re: KWG Says China Railroad Funding Deal Soon?


What in god's name are you rambling on about?

The response made no sense whatsoever.

over 8 years ago
Re: KWG Says China Railroad Funding Deal Soon?

It truly is. The utter lack of knowledge and sheer ignornace of how government operates is unbelievable.

"Noront is in the know"....riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

over 8 years ago
Re: Noront drilling?

Certainly. Click on his profile and you'll see numerous incorrect predictions.

They're all nicely archived.

over 8 years ago
Re: Noront drilling?

Happy to compare stats.

All of my NOT holdings have been purchased between .15 and .34. And again, I'm hope you're right.

But after many years (7 to be precise) of following this board, I can't say I hold much confidence in your predictions.

Its so tiring to come on here and constantly see the same people, offering the same worn out predictions...."its about to pop", "my gut tells me we're in for a rise", etc. etc.

Doesn't it get embarassing regularly making predictions that fail to come true?

I shouldn't be surprised. This board devolved into nothing more than a support group a long time ago.

over 8 years ago
Re: Noront drilling?

Another prediction from DJJE.

How many of these have you made? And how many have been dead wrong?

over 8 years ago
Re: NOTs Short Position

I hope you're right.

But jeez, how many times have we heard this before..."We're close to popping", "Our day has come" and then (insert sad trombone).

over 8 years ago
Professor Woland
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