Laphroigh's Profile

Laphroigh's Posts

Re: Noront's kwg shares and profit or not

I am not quite sure why you are a posting this on this board.
But you have to remember that a share roll back in it self is not dillutive.
You have to look at the marketcap, which will be the exact same before and after - thus if good news are comming, the shares would rise the same percentage.

if the Company chooses to dilute shareholders by 20 percent, it will also have the same impact if shares are 0,03 or 300
Of course this is in theory and we often see shareprice depriciation after a roll back - but this shouldn't happen to a good company in a good market.

And i am sure that Noront knows they own 13 percent of KWG before and after the purposed rollback.

about 8 years ago
Re: KWG proposes partnership

Do you really believe that they will build a railway on the basis of a deposit not even owned yet by KWG, a deposit without a PEA and furthermore not wanting to transport goods for a the possible other mines in the area?
Or could it be that if they want to build a railway its it on the basis of the whole region as a businesscase - hauling ore from everybody willing to pay for it?
A railway will of course benefit all companies in the region - so for my sake - go ahead and make it happen KWG. Lap

over 8 years ago
Re: KWG proposes partnership

Ok - then please enlighten me - on which resource are KWG going to make an offtake agreement with the chinese and ensure chromite to be hauled by train to get the ball rolling?

over 8 years ago
Re: KWG proposes partnership

There has to be more to it than meets the eyes.
It is foolish to think that the chinese would build a railroad in collaboration with KWG which only have 30% of Big Daddy and in no position to mine this and an option to earn in 80% of an yet undefined resource - unless they also are talking to Noront - which at this time is in control of the chromite in the region.
As Lavigne said companies need offtake agreements to even build a mine - how on Earth could KWG deliver this at this point in time and the chinese of course will not build the railway without certinty that mines are beeing buildt.

It would also be foolish to think that Noront is sitting on its hands doing nothing - of course they are trying to influence everybody and trying to make deals - they might succed or might not - but of course they are trying in their own way and taking an other approach than KWG.

As i said there has to be a lot going on that we are not aware of - because the chinese are not building or looking at building a railroad based on the KWG story alone.


over 8 years ago
Re: KWG Says China Railroad Funding Deal Soon?

Would be very nice if KGW could work out the details and secure the railway.
Could you then please tell us the timeframe and exactly what KWG would mine?

I dont think that they are in any position to mine anything and thus secure goods for the railway or secure the chinese any chromite.
Maybe things are happening behind the scenes and there is an understanding between the 2 companies. Noront are in a position to mine KGW is not.


over 8 years ago
Re: Ontario Regional Chief Day Addresses NAN Spring Chiefs Assembly

I would rather focus on this line:

In fact, I can tell you there will be a number of major announcements in the weeks to come.


over 8 years ago
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