St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to sculpin's message

As I said Sculpin, the buck stops with the CEO. She is responsible for the actions of those under her which was everyone. So no, this is not about shifting blame. This is about acknowledging that management and officers, bar none, failed shareholder. Directors, bar none, failed shareholders. It has been mentioned that we don’t know who paid for Murrays wife to attend the China trip which is true. We also don’t know who paid for the full entourage to accompany Lori everywhere she went. I suspect that most, if not all, of these expenses where covered by SLI. If Murray paid for his own wife to go to China then good for him. He and the other directors and officers still failed shareholders in not revealing the rampant  unethical behaviour that was going on. All of the directors simply tucked tail and ran as opposed to standing up for what was right. You all need to stop making excuses. And just because Murray did  not sell his share does not give him a free pass. You guys can spin excuses all you want and try to pin all of the blame on Lori but she could not have done what she did without the rest of the directors and officers knowing.

Someone had mentioned a RCA audit but that will not reveal anything. They won’t make the results public and all they care about is that proper accounting was used and not how the money was spent. The “how” was the responsibility of management at the oversight of the directors. THEY ALL FAILED!

Let’s just hope that we get a reply from Lori because like it or not she is the key to the future of St. Elias Mines if there is a future to be had. Her future role can always be discussed after we know what we have to work with, if anything.

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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