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flawed democracy, not a conspiracy theory

 SLI investors have incurred several instances of "flawed democracy" during our search for justice in Canada. From a 91% shareholder vote being ignored by a Justice to lies that have cost investors millions of dollars with no authoritative action. Our rights have been totally ignored and actually insulted to varying degrees. Having said this, I have great belief that the SLI shareholders will receive some form of justice in the near future, and this is partially why........

 The recent U.S. election blatantly indicated just how many Americans are "Awake". I know there are many Canadians "Awake" as well, and the evidence for this is readily found by anyone that takes a little time and see how Canadians are promoting the truth of injustices through more and more Canadian blogs, as well as social media. Also, a walk on the street and opening a conversation with some, will give One some incredible insight of what the people really are feeling, and more importantly, the injustices they faced at the hand of government. I travel around a lot and meet many new people, they all have stories to tell about the injustices they faced or knew someone that did, when the subject came up. The blinders are coming off so many people and this veil being lifted is accelerating.

 Around half of the U.S. people did Not vote in the recent election. This shows that a very considerable portion of the population does Not support any type of government. The quarter that voted for Trump are conditional, meaning that if their consent is withdrawn from Trump, a total upset occurs. I believe I do not need remind anyone here how the economics and system of the U.S. affects Canada.

 Two years ago in July, only 11 million Canadians filed tax returns out of approx 23 million at that time. That is a staggering number and aligns very closely with the percentages of voter turnout for the recent U.S. election. There may be no public info on these figures, because my info came from a somewhat inside connection.


 So what you are actually seeing, is great change coming. When governments lose this much credibilty with the people, they are on the brink of collapse, unless extreme measures are taken at restoring justice and integrity within the system. However, once a breach of trust becomes as huge as it is now, I believe the situation is irreparable.

 The report below signals something very important and a few great events that are mentioned as contributing factors, have theories attached, that some call conspiracy theories.

over 7 years ago
Re: we do not have proof that....

Stockstrs, to prove fraud in a court of law, you merely have to prove deception/lie/s.

Without a shadow of a doubt, Lori has been caught with documentation of several deceitful acts in conjunction with SLI.

It is only a matter of time.

over 7 years ago
Re: New Board Request

stockstsr, i suggest you re read agoracoms response to you. I believe where agoracom used "you" in their reply, that they mean for you to use the off topic forum to post.


thank you

over 7 years ago
Re: we do not have proof that....

Just because some shareholders may have met or been questioned by the BCSC ,it does not mean there was an investigation. They could have quite easily thrown any notes in the garbage after the meeting was over.

I have also heard of and experienced instances where the ones that bring information forward, get investigated and/or intimidated themselves, taking the focus entirely off what should have been investigated, this is fact.

 I will also take this opportunity to share that more and more new people are sharing the injustices they encountered throughout the system, publicly. The awareness is spreading further and it is based on factual documentation.

over 7 years ago
we do not have proof that....

.... the BCSC ever conducted an investigation

..... if the BCSC had conducted an investigation, our requests for written confirmation several months ago has not been answered

..... the RCMP conducted an investigation, other than verbally that they visited a few shareholders

......that if the RCMP actually did conduct an investigation, upon request of a written official statement that the investigation was closed, there is none to my knowledge

...... that if an investigation was ever done by the RCMP that it was actually presented before a Prosecutor

..... that IIROC and the other regulators ever investigated any of the shareholder concerns in relation to SLI

.... that the regulators ever disciplined Lori and connections for non compliance issues

.... that the banks did not wash trade and manipulate the stock price

... the drill holes were drilled into the said structures/targets

.... the government is not involved

.... this is not a conspiracy

.....that Stockhouse is not part of this

..... that a group opposing the shareholders here are not linked to a higher agenda

..... that the Tesoro was ever drilled since 2010

..... the drill cores scattered on the Tesoro property actually came from drill holes on the Tesoro

.... that all required information was released to shareholders

..... that Barrick Gold is not involved


But, we do have proofs contrary to some of the aforementioned.


over 7 years ago
Re: No reply from Lori

If Lori has changed and is serious at some sort of resolve or redemption, she will, plain and simple. I should mention that few know her/the reasons behind her/ recent actions of stepping down from IGD. I will also say that Lori and the circle are very desperate at these times and I am certainly open to all possibilities.

 See, with Lori, she was caught up completely in the game, never thinking that she needed shareholders, that the way the markets worked, would take care of her, she was wrong. Her arrogance and continuous degradation of shareholders and their intelligence over the years has placed her individually in quite a predicament. Barricks prior influence upon the BCSC and its function has been somewhat terminated, leaving many like Lori, in precarious positions. We are at the point Now, that if regulators and others allow for Lori and other game players to proceed unscathed by law and compliance, the system fails much more quickly. It is inevitable that the system collapses, but those responsible for integrating and sustaining an ounce of integrity within the financial system and try to keep it temporarily intact, must throw food to the wolves.

 With the purchase of TTAGIT by IGD, there was supposed to be a vote to ratify approval by shareholders, before the TSX would condone the purchase. However, and a contravention of TSX Policy, the TSX granted her approval without shareholder consent. Although this is IGD, the commonality is Lori and her amnesty of regulatory compliance, which is connected to SLI.

 Stockhouse also plays a big role overall with corruption in the markets, and it does play a role in SLI, much bigger than most know yet. I believe at this very time, almost all posters at the SLI Stockhouse forum that were supporting the investors, have had their accounts deactivated by Stockhouse and can no longer post at Stockhouse. There are two main reasons for this, of which one is deliberate suppression of shareholders perpetrated by Stockhouse because of their owners and sponsers. So, after most of our supporters were forced to leave Stockhouse and that forum has become relatively quiet, the opposition to the shareholders have made a more prominent appearance here in attempts to silence and distort this forum, with a goal to clutter the forum, attack and push any resistence to their doctrine off here, and their hope, to silence this board as well. It is all because of the fear the banks have about the disclosure of how things really work, specifically, their manipulation of stock prices and all the tactics that it entails. Although the banks do not need message boards as a vehicle to move stocks up and down, simply because they create Phantom shares at will during their market making, they like to use the message boards as well as news releases from the individual companies to cover what actually happens. The manipulation of the SLI stock price in 2012, the most notable one, blatantly showed many houses and wash trading to bring the stock down, which if the stock price would have been left to "fair trade", the stock price would not have collapsed so quickly. Because of the market makers, the banks and owners of the TSX, many investors quickly took losses that were illegally imposed upon them. It was IIROC,s duty, among many other compliance departments to rectify this situation, however to rectify it, IIROC would have had to expose its employer, the banks, the TSX. So, in further attempts at not disclosing this and keeping it covered up, the BCSC and RCMP were directed to find "no wrong doing" in their investigations. The injustices incurred here by the shareholders is a very large thorn that has placed the entire system in huge jeopardy, and they are very uncertain of how to get out of this, but while they stall, there is no way for them to get out of what they created because it is based on deception.



Rick Jewers

over 7 years ago
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