Newman963's Profile

Newman963's Posts

Re: New board request?


As it falls even more in long have we been hearing this.....I remember Y2K and the predictions....what happened? the earth is ending predictions, check these ones out.

Please do keep on topic where possible and if there is the slightest off topic not really a big deal, if however the conversation is like the above link...... well there is a place for that it's called the OFF TOPIC FORUM it's under HUB NAVIGATION, I am only using caps lock on those words as that's how they appear on the forum page.

Now everyone get outside for some fresh air and fun, declutter your lives and enjoy your loved ones! 

over 7 years ago
Re: I will not support her elaborate travel expenses!!

I could not agree more. Think about it, despite any flaws and we all have them he still owns his shares! 

over 7 years ago
Re: I will not support her elaborate travel expenses!!

Maybe you missed my post a couple back, do we know for sure who paid for what?? and if we paid for MB's Wife not cool? Listen we all know two wrongs don't make a right! I would bet that some level of abuse occurs in each and every penny stock. But holy shiz......the level of abuse and entourage that followed our leader.

over 7 years ago
Re: I will not support her elaborate travel expenses!!

As I stated small potatoes in comparison to the entourage that you've again shown here, when it comes to pizzing away shareholders $$$ MB was never really the problem, I'm sure it made him sick to his stomach to see this going on. Regardless of why he was let go I believe he was made a scapegoat so the life of luxury could be carried on at our expense. 

over 7 years ago
Re: I will not support her elaborate travel expenses!!

Well I do hope he paid for his Wife to go, do we know? And were plans made and paid for well in advance that couldn't be cancelled? In a private company with no shareholders who cares, if the company paid for his Wife to tag along then that's not cool. Compared to the number of trips Lori took and the entourage that followed this seems like small potaoes. Really though unless we have proof then we are only assuming and we all know what assume means....

over 7 years ago
Re: I will not support her elaborate travel expenses!!

Well I will say this.... if he was to have just booked a trip on investors expence for the sake of going somewhere as a great vacation why in the world would anyone choose China? Crowded, polluted, Language barrier.....Why would you go there if not for buisness? My gut says MB's intentions were good, not saying I'm right or wrong it's my opinion.


over 7 years ago
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