St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

I am still long SLI, I have not sold a share, I am not a basher/shorter, I have been in SLI for 6-7 years, I have lost money on paper but still hold all my shares!

Now that I have hopefully put off all the folks that want to disparage people who are not waiting with bated breath for the big buyout at $20.00 ( or $300.00) per share, I can talk about some things that concern me!!

First off, why are people still going on about hitting the big anomaly? Does the NR not spell it out? We did drill it.

Why are folks going on about a buy out when it seems to my non-professional sensibilities that the drill results are not warranting that kind of interest?

Why are people going on about incomplete drill results in the NR's? Is management so incompetent that they can't get a professional NR out the door? (That of course discounts the first drill results NR that was seemingly totally botched!)

Why do we not have any NEW trenching results?

And finally, the big question, what is the plan going forward based on the newest drill results? I think we as shareholders are entitled to the "next phase" plan after all that has happened. And I mean the BIG disappointment in drill results! How do we, if ever, recoup forward progress if that is even warranted. Are we going to work on Canadian properties? Are we going to drill Vilcoro? What is the regroup plan after the apparant Tesoro blowup? I say apparant blowup to assuage the feelings of hope some people still maintain in Tesoro( in a closeted way I am one of them!)

So I say we need to ask management to put forth their "new" plan based on what has happened to the dream we all shared. The big buyout seems much less likely, so NOW WHAT?

When companies have a bad experience (Tylenol, car recalls, spinach etc.) they get back on the horse and put forth plan B. I would love to hear Lori and team give us their roadmap for the next 12 months of SLI. Is that asking too much? I don't think so!

The time for making excuses for SLI results and management I think are over. Now we need to know what the plan for the future is. I will be writing a letter to Lori and management asking for such a presentation, knowing of course that plans do need to change if facts warrant a change, but without a plan or a target, you will always wander aimlessly. I am not into that.

Wishing all SLI supporters do find their pot of gold, Kevin

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Ann Arbor, MI
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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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