iced's Profile

Pretty much retired at this point in time. I am 64, live in Indiana, U.S. Married 35 years with two grown children. Graduate of Indiana State University in Terre Haute, IN and also Indiana University, in Bloomington, IN. Was a school teacher for a time and later farmed for awhile.

iced's Posts

Re: Tesoro site visit

Yeah, agree. Need a Special Ops team for this move.

almost 11 years ago
Re: Pumpers are gone

Read your post. I hate to see you beating up on yourself so. I got out of Copper Fox in the 50's after entering in the $1.10 range so took a beating. Prior to that I was in a gold exploration stock entering at around $2.20 and ended up selling around the 20 cent range. Today that stock is selling for around 3 cents a share. I know your pain.

I have learned one thing with these two stocks. Stay out of mineral exploration and mining stocks. For one thing it takes years and years for anything to come of them and time is money. I will never own such a stock again. While I had thought about buying back into Copper Fox I now don't intend to do it.

Here is a little advise I received in an e-mail the other day that I am trying to take to heart. "In my personal opinion, no matter how much potential any company has, 99% of the time all that matters is HOW THE STOCK TRADES. If a stock doesn’t trade well, nothing else matters. Don’t believe the hype. Be sure to use a tight stop, book profits quickly on these volatile trades, never let any one trade move too far against you, watch out for gaps, make sure the stock is trading in a healthy way before you enter, and monitor it closely to make sure momentum is positive. It’s always safest to book profits quickly, even on alerts with long-term potential." Now if only I can keep my emotions out of the equation there might be hope for me.

almost 11 years ago
Re: Elmer response: CEO's thoughts/opinions

One's Copper Fox investment is as safe as money in the bank in my opinion and far, far more profitable. That said I recently sold my stock in the company. Why? Because time is also money. I had been in for about a year and 4 months and on paper I was in the hole big time. I was not at all worried about that as I feel certain of the ultimate outcome. However, I got to thinking to myself that I could sell, even at a loss, invest that money in some other stocks where I could see results much sooner and still very possibly buy back into Copper Fox before the real payday comes and even purchase with profits made elsewhere more Copper Fox shares at these far cheaper prices than I had before having bought in when the stock was still over $1.

I was fortunate enough to invest in a stock and got a 25% return on my money in 11 days. The problem with Copper Fox is not with what they have but when one can hope to get it. I may lose out in the end but right now I am glad I made the decision I did. If one only trades and makes 5% a week it adds up when you are able to do it week after week. I don't know that that is possible (for me) but I do know my money sat in Copper Fox for over a year, did not make me 1% on my investment, and I in fact lost over 50% all by just being patient. I do know I am too old to wait many months or maybe even a year or more. I am not dumping on the stock. As I said it will make a person money, even maybe real good money, in time. It is a sure thing I would say but when is the big, big question.

almost 11 years ago
Re: AGM Summary

Thanks for all your effort in compiling and sharing this info. After all the good news it still seems like we are several months away from the buyout we are looking for.

almost 11 years ago
Question by a Novice

I have been following this forum for over a year but have never posted. I have a few questions if anyone wants to take them.

1. Is Tech required by law to offer Copper Fox full disclosure of what they come up with as a result of their drilling program? I would assume yes but that is only an assumption. A follow up would be how long after knowing the facts do they have to make such a disclosure? Can they delay, delay?

2. Do any of you have any educated guesses as to how long this can go on without a buyout? I am starting to get restless and at the age of 66 there is reason for it.

3. I am down 50% on my Copper Fox investment. What do you think are my prospects of getting my money back and making a decent profit (hopefully in this lifetime)?

about 11 years ago
Re: sad

Unbelieveable. I thought things were bad down here in the U.S. I would not touch another Canadian stock with a ten foot pole.

over 11 years ago
Coal City, Indiana
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