1sailsman's Profile

1sailsman's Posts

Re: NR

At first pass these results seem to confirm all the other drill results. Not Good in my opinion. Seems the Tesoro is good for artisan mining and that's about it. Sorry to be glum but I believe this to be it for Tesoro. Sell it to Dynasty near by ! The other properties will take lots of time and money. I have been long for many years and did not sell when I should have, at least half of it anyway. Share price will probably evaporate tomorrow. Good luck to all in future endeavors.

about 12 years ago
Re: Lets move on to stuff that matters (history repeats)

As a second thought re:questions to present. If anybody on this board lives near headquaters how about schedule a meeting to get answers. When I worked for a small public company I know the president/CEO of our company held many meetings with shareholders, usually large shareholders. As a group we represent quite a large shareholder. We are not looking for "insider info", we just want to know what is the plan, where do we go from here.

about 12 years ago
Re: Lets move on to stuff that matters (history repeats)

Thanks Bow for laying out more clearly the numerous issues we shareholders have . I would like to see a consensus of sorts on maybe three, four, five questions we as shareholders see as the most important questions we would like to have management answer. And then I think we should hold their/her feet to the fire to get those answers. I don't really know the best avenue to take in order to get our questions to them formally but I'm sure we can come up with something. Maybe a registered letter from "concerned shareholders" would get the ball rolling once we have boiled the main questions down to a manageable lot. Again, I don't know what rights shareholders have to expect answers to pointed questions. I do think it very important to keep a formal, polite, firm dialog open with management. If they refuse then I guess we would have to escalate the pressure in business like way. If we have anybody on this board who has a working relationship with any management types that could also help.

about 12 years ago
Lets move on to stuff that matters

I can't tell you how boring the conversation is when it degenerates into who is a supporter and who is not. Who cares! Let's talk about something of substance without everybody getting into a snit about bashers and pumpers. That does not matter. If you don't like a post ignore it and speak of something of substance. What matters is where are we now, what could turn this around, why it could turn it around, and what expectations we should have of management to make it turn around. Would everybody please stop sniping at some other person's post. Put that person on ignore if you don't want to read it. Let's talk facts and future! So, to that end I will ask again...What do we need from management in terms of further (!) clarifications? What are the potential NR's that could raise the SP? What info is the share holder base in need of to achieve some sort of comfort zone? Are there any drill results unreleased that will benefit us? When will those results be released? Can we pressure management to release said drill/trenching results? If Tesoro is gone, then where do go from here? Let's get back to the basics of good information, pressing management to speak to us (for whatever good?), and assessing the future based on facts not emotion!

about 12 years ago
What, if any, are both small and large catalysts for ANY rise in share price?

I'm not trying to be Pollyannaish (sp?) but I am interested to hear what other board members see as possible catalysts for any share price rebound, no matter how small. Unfortunately, I think any share price rise would see pretty substantial selling into that rise. However, a few positve rays of hope (trenching results, final 5-7 holes results, other property news) followed up with clear concise plans to capitalize on said rays of hope via NR might give us a little rise. Thoughts anyone? Thanks!

over 12 years ago
Re: Barrick's CEO ousted due to low share price

Barrick has tons of gold, tons of cash , and tons of properties. I am not necessarily a huge Lori supporter but the fact that they did not hit the motherlode is not her fault. This is the venture exchange afterall and this venture has not proven up as expected. No gold, or very little to date from the drill rigs anyhow, is not her fault. Other things might be her fault, but not striking that mother lode is the fickle finger of fate. Barrick's CEO appears to have not capitalized on the POG , the quantity they pull from the earth etc.

over 12 years ago
Ann Arbor, MI
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