Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

I suppose it's too much to hope for, but it would certainly make for less angst if people could get some perspective on our current status. It seems many feel that, just because we have had one partial victory in court, there should now be a "PR blitz" announcing that all of the unlicensed companies have already sent representatives in corporate jets to beg to be able to write us a check in whatever amount we desire.

Sorry, folks, but our victory, while a great development, isn't likely to have that effect, certainly not in such a short time frame. Or, stated another way, the negative effects of the last 6 years simply aren't going to be "righted" within only two business days after our good news. Things just don't work that quickly --- instead, those involved are reassessing factors such as the impact of possible appeals, the cost of further litigation, the ITC status, the validity of different damage models, and various other considerations that we simply cannot know.

The likelihood is that we will start seeing additional developments, whatever they may be, over the next few weeks and then as we continue to accelerate into the end of the year. In the meantime, it is simply too much to expect PTSC to continue to skyrocket based on one occurrence, esepcially in view of overall market conditions, the government shutdown, the looming debt ceiling issue, and so forth.

In the meantime, as I've said on many occasions, use this period of time to assess your personal situation and risk tolerance, and get some perspective on the concept of what is "enough" for you. Quit worrying so much about the daily or short term fluctuations --- when you have "enough" shares, stop buying, and when you have made "enough" profit or recovered "enough" of your loss, sell. Nobody can make that decision for you. Instead, what all of us should do is devise a personal strategy, and, unless there is a significant change in condtiions, stick to it and not look back.

Best wishes to all.

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