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Re: Any Reasons?...powzon and all - Ron...

Ron, thank you very much, this is a great help.

The share price is what it all comes down to for us. The market moves on opinion as well as business fortunes. The ITC verdict halved the share price. Any favorable developments will be pushing against this tangible fact.

over 10 years ago
Re: TPL BK Pacers - Any Reasons?

"Where does all this leave the patriot shareholders i have noticed the bid and asked has gone down to a new low 4.6 at 4.8 everything looks plain lousy for us shareholders.Any reasons to hold stock anymore please asap. thanks runner"

Yes, any reasons at all? The legal proceedings of the last several years have been not only profitless, but harmful as far as we're concerned.

The last ITC decision caused the share price to drop and to stay there.

What are we here for?

Who can give a good summary of the past and upcoming legal events' effects on shareholders' prospects, keeping in mind what doesn't need to be mentioned about the procedural particulars?

over 10 years ago
Re: ...what are we waiting for again? Really

Continuing obstinacy from HTC; monkey business fallout from TPL.

Other patent offenders get to sit on their hands, right?

Meanwhile we continue to pay attention to PTSC for what?


May 7th

"As part of the confidential settlement conference process, no later than April 15, 2014, Plaintiff will provide the financial data discussed at today’s SC to Defendants; no later than 7 days after data provided, Defendant will provide a proposal for settlement taking into account the financial information provided by Plaintiff and any request for clarification/further verification.Counsel to confer, and if necessary, Judge Laporte will conduct a telephonic further settlement conference on May 7, 2014, at 2:00 p.m"

May 21

TPL bankruptcy trustee hearing

over 10 years ago
Re: ...what are we waiting for again? Really

I've really lost track of what we're waiting for. Are there any events, actions, or actions to be taken upon certain event results which might improve PTSC's share price?

I sold mine some of mine at about a 64% loss last December. Kept only the ones in my Roth IRA hoping on a good early January California District Court decision.

Given PTSC's history, in which even favorable developments seem cursed, I don't see anything to wait or hope for.

What, if anything, is up ahead?

Thanks in advance.


An old post of mine, from the beginning of 2011,



"The BOD has no excuse still to be in over their heads after all this time. PTSC is a cash cow for them; they just don't care, and not least because they don't have to. Disgusting. Whoever it was in the last year and a half or so who reported Felcyn's earnestness in claiming to want to develop the business was taken in on their good faith. These guys are crooks at heart. It doesn't matter if they got that way by feeling overwhelmed at first; they're supposed to be grown-ups. I know I'm preaching to the choir. But the waste is no less disgusting for having run on for so long."


I've lost track of what we're waiting for...

over 10 years ago
Condemned the BOD in 2011...what are we waiting for again?

An old post of mine, from the beginning of 2011,



"The BOD has no excuse still to be in over their heads after all this time. PTSC is a cash cow for them; they just don't care, and not least because they don't have to. Disgusting. Whoever it was in the last year and a half or so who reported Felcyn's earnestness in claiming to want to develop the business was taken in on their good faith. These guys are crooks at heart. It doesn't matter if they got that way by feeling overwhelmed at first; they're supposed to be grown-ups. I know I'm preaching to the choir. But the waste is no less disgusting for having run on for so long."


I've lost track of what we're waiting for...

over 10 years ago
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