nearbeer's Profile

nearbeer's Posts

Re: SGE.. There are many here who disagree with you...

SGE, please continue to post your thoughts. thank you very much for the time and effort. nb.

ps. and as mentioned, the attorneys lost this. if this was as good of a patent as all on this message board were hoping, the case was all legal all the time and our attorneys lost. the board's error would be in choosing the wrong attorneys. and the "board" is Gloria and Charles. Cliff is effectively the administrator for the Company. yes, he is on the board, but being outvoted by Gloria and Charles, his vote never counted. my believe is that Cliff cared more about the shareholders than any other management/board member. and i do not personally know Cliff, i have never called him and the only info i have is from this board and from having attended several annual meetings.

over 8 years ago
Re: ronran, just curious

this case was lost in the courts. meaning our attorneys were the ones not understanding the patent, not understanding how to define the patent, and not understanding how to express how the patent worked.


so, the mistake our board made was not finding competent attorneys.

or, maybe the patent was worthless all along......

almost 9 years ago
Re: Pacer readings ...

in California, most of the big houses use fairly exact timing. and billing is to the nearest quarter of an hour (some use every 6 minutes (1/10 of an hour). with the minimum billing charge being that amount of time. so.... a call to say "hello" would be a minimum of 6 or 15 minutes, depending upon the firms policy.

i am not an attorney and i do not practice law.

almost 9 years ago
Re: A Fine kettle of slop...

Alfred, you do not get it. my post was very self serving. i was not supporting the BOD at all. all i was saying is if you wish financial ruin for and upon the BOD, you are wishing for financial ruin upon yourself. your reading comprehension matches your photo. personally i do not care about the board, but if me getting BIG bucks from PTSC means the BOD gets big bucks, so be it. much, much better than me getting no or little bucks.

about 9 years ago
Re: A Fine kettle of slop

"what they deserve"... well i hope like hell it is BIG, BIG, BIG bucks, becasue if they get big bucks so do i. if they "get what they deserve" by getting nothing, i also get nothing. therefore, fantastic wealth from PTSC is what i hope "they deserve".

about 9 years ago
Re: B&N Order of Dismissal near

...."submitting your no confidence vote by proxie" and what did that get you. if you have no confidence in the Board, a REAL VOTE would have been to sell your shares.

about 9 years ago
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