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Did we have a stock split?

Wow! I have not followed this for quite some time. I was hoping that things had improved with PTSC. It seems that our major wins have only had a negative impact on the SP. But thats no surprise PTSC always sold off on good new.

PTSC is simply to complicated for the average investor. It relies on lawyers and law suites!

It has no disclosure and no forward quidance. I really don't know why I have kept this stock for 15 years.

sorry for the little rant but come on its time to put some new lip stick on this pig!


over 10 years ago
Re: Unrealistic expectations.....

Ron I respect your opinion. But I truly believe the stock is being held down. The major players don't won't this stock to get to expensivie for them to play with. If they can make 20% gain on a few million shares their cash out lay is small. compared to buying a few million shares at .50 or a 1.00. 20% of something no matter what the share price is still a profit.

If you can control the stock at .10 to .25 why we they let it run higher?


almost 11 years ago
Re: happy week-end

I would have liked to see us in the low 20's for close but I will gladly take .17 it should be a good leg up next week but we all know how good news works for PTSC.


almost 11 years ago
Re: Explain

Its all about taking a profit. people that got in at .12 made money and got out. This will be the kind of action we will see. I hope there are some new lic. to annouce soon or we will sink back down. Penny stocks are not for the faint of heart.


almost 11 years ago
Re: Change in Corporate structure to Royalty Trust type entity

I would be all for this structure! Company would get a big tax break and they could actually pay monthly divy. if there was enough money coming in. Many of the OIl Sands trusts were set up this way.

Lets hope we do get Divy's

almost 11 years ago
Glad to see a victory today my ? is.

Since we have proved infringement with HTC. even though the jury didn't rule wilful. Are all the other companies now wilfully infringing if they delay signing a lic.?

I hope we see a continued up trend on the stock price. It never goes up in a straight line for long but it should be able to support at least .50 cents withing the next month or two if we can pull in more lic. and annouce a diviy.

Man its been a long time coming.


almost 11 years ago
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