Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
over 11 years ago
Re: 10q
over 11 years ago
Re: 10q
over 11 years ago
Re: 10q
over 11 years ago
Re: 10q
over 11 years ago
Re: 10q
over 11 years ago
10Q link
over 11 years ago
in response to theInformer's message

At least for the moment, and as tempting as it is and not that they don't deserve it, I'm not going to get back into my active criticism of the BoD here in the forum. However, and while not meaning to offend you, Informer, or anyone else, it does concern me a bit when someone talks about "staying positive for new investors". Such a thing implies that new investors should be told something other than the whole story about PTSC, and it also assumes that those new investors are stupid to the extent that they will not simply go and read the history of the Company in the 10Qs.

Think about it for just a moment: As shareholders, many of us having been around for a number of years, we often become angry with the Company for its policy of virtual silence in keeping us informed, and for refusing to meaningfully answer our questions or discuss various matters with us when those inquires would not violate SEC disclosure rules. We get angry when we see only the required disclosures made in SEC filings, done merely so that the Company can remain minimally compliant and with the BoD knowing full well that much more could be said. Do we then have less of a duty to new shareholders, by telling them only what we hope would be seen as "positive"?

Instead, doesn't simple honesty and integrity demand that we give new investors the whole story, and/or the whole answer to questions they may pose or read here in the forum, rather than treating them like the Company treats us through providing either little information, useless information, or worse, misinformation? Or should we pretend that "it's all good" with PTSC in our selfish desire that this might somehow influence others to buy the stock (which it won't do anyway, at least not for long or at levels we would desire)? If you (generically, Informer, not you, personally) were considering the purchase of a stock for the first time and asked someone whom you considered to be knowledgeable about the company, what would you want to be told --- only "the good", or the potential pitfalls, too? And how would you feel if you were indeed told "only the good" and the stock tanked thereafter? Is "you should have done your own DD rather than having listened to me" really an excuse for less than forthright behavior?

Again, I'm not going to start criticizing the BoD again at this juncture. But at the same time, I don't plan to start treating whoever may be reading this forum in any manner other than to provide full disclosure and discussion within the bounds of my knowledge and expertise. I don't like it when the BoD does less than such for us, so I'm not going adopt the BoD's practices in this regard.

Best wishes to all.

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