Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to gcduck's message

Is that how the BOD sees it too ?

IN the meantime, Carl and Gloria continue to fill their pockets with 80% of the pay levels they set for themselves way back in 2006. Since that same time, the stock has lost over 90% of it's value and never looked back. Millions of dollars have personally gone to the BOD and Executives over the past 6 years, even as the stock price sank back towards 5 cents, revenues dried up like a prune, and corporate mistakes and adventurism have resulted in many tens/hundreds of millions in lost Shareholder equity. ... not to mention any still as of yet unknown additional PTSC impacting damage from TPL's legal complications and financial obligations with Brown or Moore.

As for Cliff, I think his performance shows he's simply a marginal corporate administrator that provides inadequate CEO public company leadership. Cliff is salary compensated to the tune of over $300,000, has a history of raises and 40% cash bonuses and maintains Zero stock ownership in the company after 5 years.

All this largess and continued employment of these people is on the backs of Shareholders, contributes to our negative investment reputation, helps justify our pennies stock price, reinforces the view as PTSC being an investor UNfriendly company, and highlights the lack of effective Leadership and operational options for our otherwise rudderless company with it's fast eroding Patent life expiration. What then ??

Why doesn't the company communicate more with Shareholders ? Would you if you had their leadership failures and were as unresponsive to the demands of the voices of Shareholders as these three have been at PTSC ? Besides, perhaps there are exposure concerns at play.

Beyond just dangling the token carrot of possible dividends to Shareholders, the big question for current and future Investors should be, what is the BOD's planned Strategy for this company into the future ? Is there a viable plan going forward ? Are they capable of producing and executing a sustaining or grow company plan ?

Until a viable and believeable Plan is publicly communicated with capable and credible leadership, even with MMP license revenues coming in, stock ownership in PTSC will be a game of musical chairs .... THIS is the open secret.

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