Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to SGE1's message

You seem to miss the point of my post to which milestone and teremoto responded.

All of your comments are tainted because they come from the paraigm of an Agoracom poster. It may be difficult for you to digest, but there are hundreds if not thousands of shareholders that have no idea what Agoracom is and have never read a word written here.

From their perspective, everything you and Gloria cite about communication regarding the SHM, and the subsequent messages from Gloria doesn't exist. SIMPLY DOESN'T EXIST. Do you understand that?!

My point was that Gloria is advancing a position that equates the SHM shareholder posts, and her private e-mails to a shareholder, as somehow equating to official disclosures from the company, and thus that they are not trying to hide anything. That's laughable, and if you don't see that, then I suppose there's nothing that would make you realize that for her to say that is disingenuous, misleading and factually inaccurate. It's an easy way out for a board that is scrambing to recover from poorly stewarding the company.

In the broader sense, I tied that specific issue to a pattern of similar unprofessional behavior. It was not my intent to reopen a discussion about the Board. Rather, I was simply calling Gloria out on her bluff. She seems to want us shareholders to accept that the Emperor has on fine golden threads, while he's (or in this case she) is really walking around in his underwear.

As for the rest of your comments, you're ascribing qualities to them like "smart steps" that we simply don't know are true. They APPEAR to be smart steps, but as we've learned from the past with this company, appearances aren't necessarily indicative of reality. So to IGNORE the past as you encourage, is folly, IMO. This BOD must PROVE itself with RESULTS. Despite many years, and MILLIONS in revenue, it hasn't yet.

I'm optimistic that the USPTO will provide them with another chance to prove that they can break with their history. I'm less optimistic that if the USPTO DOES do that, that this BOD will be able to execute, but I realize I'm probably stuck with them for now at least. With that in mind, I think it's prudent, as it is with ANY of my employees, to make clear my expectations of them, and to correct them when they stray from those expectations. In this case, Gloria clearly has.

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