skaterigg's Profile

skaterigg's Posts

Re: 1Rare1 & Huntington - gloating??

Greatly appreciate that open, honest and sincere reply.... However, it would appear that my initial post was removed!!

I've been an investor for over five years, Hollywood couldn't write this script.

The facts now are that our patents stand and that the team who work for PTSC have learned some very costly mistakes with our money. The situation now is, PTSC & TPL have to deliver MMP License after MMP License revenues to the pot. My eyes lit up at Arcelik signing up for a license, that is a real big European Company to sign up but it is the timing more than anything, he doesn't get much wrong. If he is right then the price per license will increase hugely and I do hope there are droves being hearded through the BRANDING MMP PAY UP DOOR, but also a few heading to the courts to be SLAUGHTERED MMP FINES DOOR.

Back to the ranch

Thank the Lord for Whisky and Cigars


about 14 years ago
Question on Infringing Co's ????

There are a broad spread of companies already signed up for an MMP licence. The phrase used a few years ago was;

'devices that function only with the benefit of infringing microprocessors are deemed to require an MMP License to protect themselves from claims in the future'.

The list of companies that fall under this catagory is extremely long, more than 2,500 - 3,000 as mentioned at shareholder meeting, with @500 at the table already to buy an MMP License, @2,000 under notice...... what are the facts in terms of number of infringing companies and assuming half pay for a license and half get taken to court and financially birched what are the real 'case study' backed up scenarios for revenues to be generated???

about 14 years ago
Re: For the record, the "pumpers" were at work yesterday.

I disagree that a post on internet forums alter a share price. Wouldn't even be a coded signal to dump, people would pick up the auld Alexander Graham Bell for that or tap his buddy across the trading desk.

Even if someone posted that PTSC has just agreed an $800m dollar deal with five major co's people would check the source of the information.

The share price fluctuations are going to make the traders plenty plenty plenty money. Great news recently for PTSC, we await news now of MMP Licence Settlements & Royalties.


about 14 years ago
Re: Let's talk '1,000's of infringers'

forget 100's, it is 1,000's of infringers to pay for a license. These companies are already at the table or under notice........

Put a value on PTSC, $1.85bn to $2.35bn.



Wake me up at 2 bucks.

about 14 years ago
Fantastic PR's - Congrats to all involved with the greatest story ever told.

A long way to go for this story too. I'm relieved, rewared as well as exhausted.

The lights are flicking red in a heck of a lot of boardrooms infringing on this MMP Portfolio. Well done Arcelik for getting in before this new dawn, smart guy!


about 14 years ago
Re: why the run up... & Increase in volume...??

Share rally up is a great relief for the shareholders following the 336 re-cert.

PTSC, go announce an MMP license a day for the next five years and I'll be a happy chappie!

Here's to great news this week!

Long, strong & thirsty

about 14 years ago
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