Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
over 16 years ago
in response to milestone's message

" 77 days ago I knew where we were and where we were supposedly going, I'd just like an indication as to how much further along the various non-license paths we have moved, or have the initial teetering steps come to naught?"

So with your legal background you don't understand the length of time it takes to go thru the m/a process? Or is it you expect to be updated at regular intervals regardless of the sensitivity of what may be happening? And don't come back and say they could give us a general update, stating if things are going good or bad. Because that is the LAST thing I want a CEO stating in public if he is in the midst of negotiating what may be the purchase price of a company, or something similar. So what else could he say - we continue to make progress along the m/a front, bla, bla bla. Yeah, I'm sure that would be received well by this crowd and would certainly help our sp.

  Or let's take the scenario where every single target they have researched has fell thru for one reason or another. Is that a "bad" thing? You could argue either way - we were smart enough to not just do it for the sake of doing it, we didn't find a suitable target and JT was smart enough not to try to force the issue, we are negotiating from a position of strength so we can be patient, etc. etc. on the good side. The bad would be simply that we are not making progress in meeting our goal of finding a second revenue stream. IMO better to be patient than to make the wrong deal. Still, would you advertise this fact (no suitable target found) if this is the case? As I stated above IMO it's not necessarily a bad thing, so there is no reason to "alarm" investors. However, how do you think investors may perceive that situation. As long as JT would continue to search for targets and do the proper DD to come up with the "right" target IMO that's all we can expect. I'm sure some will argue that there are tons of targets out there, and this is bs and we should have someone already picked out, etc, etc..Well, to each his own. We all have our own opinion.

Hope that serves to ennervate your synapses.


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