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Larscot's Posts

Re: Dutton update - How Valuable is their recommendation

Points well taken Steve.

I am gung-ho on any stock that is making money, has good management and best of class product. I was hoping that would be the situation here. Maybe it will still be, I was just sick of waiting and seeing the SP continuing to swirl down, and finally understanding why.

But if LBAS starts screwing up by using various forms of sleight of hand to their shareholders, I'll make cameo appearances over there too. And Bitch.

And I'll expect to receive the same response over there too.

Too many years here to walk away without opinions - Completely my fault, I'm the one that "fell in love" with PTSC, but I'll try to make this my last post.

Thanks and regards

about 16 years ago
Re: Dutton update - How Valuable is their recommendation

Steve, you do know me.

Patriot hasn't brought in Jack...they've been the beneficiary of settlements. They've gone through a succession of CEOs, and where are they now? Still dishing out hopes and promises, but they're now...NOW at less then two dimes.

For all the potential I thought this company once had, they squandered every opportunity.

Remember, Dutton once had this company as a buy with a target of close to a buck....why have they lowered their forecasts over the last year?...after all, there was revenue then too. right?

I once had hope. I respect you for still having faith in them.


about 16 years ago
Re: Dutton update - How Valuable is their recommendation

Please read (don't skim) the entire article, then you decide...


about 16 years ago
Re: lars...Ease

Yes, I will -

I was a babe in the woods with stocks up until @ 3 years ago, then my eyes started opening slowly.

I hope i'm wrong here and you guys - all of you make a killing. Serious.


about 16 years ago
Re: The main thing that worries me ...ease, cleanser, etal.

I'm going to take a chance and reply here.

First, let me say that I have no interest in the stock. I did have interest for about 11 years or so, maybe the first 1/2 of the time, I though there was a chance with a product. Most of the 2nd 1/2 I was hoping for a chance with the patents,, which IMO I feel will be stalled for an inordinate amount of time either in the Patent office, or hung up in some other type of litigation for way too long. I sold out with 285K shares left in my portfolio, a degree of it lost due to getting my chain yanked with all the innuendo and implications of grandeur....I caught on to the game a little late, but early enough to still be way up from my initial investment.

Sour grapes? I moved on and doing well enough that I can get my 285K shares back ...along with a few (greater than 2) million more. But I have no interest, I'm still moving forward with my profits, planty of time to go before I move into an exit strategy. Yes, there are other issues out there making money. You just have to look. And then go for them.

So why do I still lurk and throw out a post or two like this?...maybe to share with you how I see things. Maybe there's still a little of the moth in me that can get attracted to the flames...Maybe it's morbid curiosity,

People ask if PTSC is not still sponsoring this board, then who is? My answer would be S&L...why not? Raging bull is sponsored by Market makers - after all, they are the direct beneficiaries. Agora knows they need to butter their bread, makes sense. You still see Anlyst from time to time over on RB with his rapid fire posts.. All full of hope, attraction, but all designed to cover someone's selling. If it's not Swartz (which I don't believe it is), then it's interal officers or close to company ex-lieutenants (maybe hawk) or rent-a corporate flunkies.

(BTW, where's Milestone..? pretty stanch supporter, always had facts and figures. Always had the post that made you think....Hmmmm.)

But wait, you say....Agora has on-board moderators from the investor community. There - that proves they're not like RB.

My answer would be "...So they haven't sold out all the way...yet."

I will speculate thay the reason for their (S&L) interest, is IMO they still trade the stock - I don't know or care how much they own. But the stock still has appeal - it still piques people's interest, it's still a good story. Therefore, it has the potential to create volume....MM's like volume, and they like volatility. It sells shares. Their money is made buying and selling... If they're not holding shares, that tells me there's only short term interest. If it's short-term, then trading is the way to go. I'm waiting for a new set of plants to show up and start generating some interest. Or at least Volatility.

The BOD?...they don't care enough right now to do anything. If they did, they cut CJ's ass loose and get some real people in. Gorner?...His yahoo sidekicks?'re just resume builders and actors in the play.

And you are the audience.

If you want to see seats churn on the BOD, wait until it gets down to single digits and the stock loses more volume - Swartz (CJ) won't be making anything on it, it won't pay for his seat on the board, so he'll just move on to a better ride. S&L will have then sucked completely dry the teat of PTSC. From what I can see now, they're kneading the few final drops out, kind of like the way we all do with a tube of toothpaste, being as efficient as possible before we pitch the visual I could come up with, sorry.

The remainder of the BOD will either cut the company loose, or finally try to get some bodies on who will do something - my bet (unfrotunately) is on the former, because they don't even have a product they are interested in moving.

So what if the patents do finally get out of purgatory?.well, there will be a bum rush by either Lecky or Swartz....regardless, it will be a while.

In the meantime, look around - there are other stocks out there making money...unless you're interested in hanging around for the socializing and commiseration....misery loves company?

In that case, let me get outta the way.


about 16 years ago
San Francisco Bay Area
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