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joamval's Posts

Re: Laurie...the problem with the letter-Jo

I do agree with you on most everything. It's a great letter. I suppose Royalties would be another ''game changer'' as well. The BOD does need to get their heads out of the sand...and get to work earning their generous pay...

almost 11 years ago
Laurie...the problem with the letter

as i see that it has been written for years by Ron, Brian and others. The BOD is in a world of their own it seems. And since they have no ability to ''grow'' the company...the business plan is based on dividends only. With that a fact...we can't expect price to much exceed cas value. A ''whale'' or a ''buyout'' are the only chances i see for greater SP. I'll prob get bashed for this post...but thats how i see it. Good luck, joe

almost 11 years ago
Question of damages awarded

Any indication of when and what damages will be awarded ? Thanks, joe

almost 11 years ago
Re: Positive...Paul

I'm still here just like you and everyone else, I think, to see the story thru. Where in the end, PTSC slays the Giants. And to recieve paydays along the way for our faith in the Patents. Just because I have a feeling as to how we get future paydays does not mean I've given up hope or excitement of an unknown game changer that could come around the corner at any time. Best to you and all, Joe

over 11 years ago
Re: Pos think w/out CEO

I think it's just an admission that our inept BOD has no intention of trying to ''grow'' the company and if/when big money comes it will be paid out as a dividend. chance of high and stable SPrice. Just an up and back down price based on cash value and dividend to be paid. Sad for those who have waited so long believing ptsc could become a real company worth a couple bucks.

over 11 years ago
Re:reality! Optik ease

Resignations would do the trick, allowing new blood to fill seats. I would like to hear Shrocks opinion, whom I believe has been silent since his appointment.

about 14 years ago
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