Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.
over 11 years ago
in response to kahuna1's message

The last time I talked to CUU about Teck being delivered the BFS, I spoke to Mike Smith and he told me then (2 weeks ago), they were waiting on a couple of signatures. It would be soon, a couple of days, give or take 2-3 days, hopefully, BEFORE the Vancouver show. Well, Show is over, still no signatures?

With today's modern technology, there is no excuse for not being able to obtain signatures overnight, max 3 days, from anywhere in the world, i.e. if couriered, but through emails, within minutes/hours. I recall, before BFS was released, Dec. 21st, they were waiting for signatures then, and apparently, the missing signatures were emailed to them. Why can't the same happen now? Afterall, the BFS was a more important document than the condensed version. If, emailed signatures were good enough for BFS, it should be good enough for short version. Original if required can always be couriered overnight, after the fact.

Another alternative to obtain signatures, ES could have taken the BFS and condensed BFS to Vancouver and had TT signed it in their offices while he was at the Show. Isn't that where TT's office is?

I am sure an extension is obtainable. However, I am sure an extension fee is required. It's amazing that after all the hours and $$$ spent on the BFS, a lousy signature is that difficult to obtain. You would think TT would want a closure to the project asap so they can get their final bill paid.

I'm so disappointed with the whole CUU experience. I'm getting chewed off daily by family and friends whom I recommended to buy CUU, I'm tired of it all. Can't wait for this fiasco to be over.

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