for now. I have been holding this thing for 3 years with acb around 1.20.

I dont like the 30 cent suport broken either and at this point have lost 75 percent of my money. This sucks. How stupid I was to hold this for so long and not sell earlier.

I used to love this stock, and now I just despise it. I hate looking at it on the screen.

I can see a buyout looming now that I am out, but I still hold about 10,000 shares in my RRSP portfolio.

I guess I got caught in all the hype a few years ago by Vette and Webgogs. There is no one to blame but myself. And funny thing is, I haven't told my wife I sold shares at a huge loss.

I am gonna try to look for other stocks that have better short term outlook than this one, and if profitable from those, I might end up back here again.

Sorry for the long rant, and thanks to all those that contributed usefull info to this board such as Chappy, Prospect, Yournadir, Chunkytoast, Youngmoney,Golfyeti and many more.

Best of luck to all.

over 10 years ago
Market speeks for itself

Looks more like a negative reaction to the news release.

I am no geologist, but the wording of the release doesnt' excite me. I expected better results of higher grades, but c'est la vie. Probably why people are selling for tax loss reasons. Hopefully we move up after Dec 24, which is last day of tax selling.

Now my question is, where do we go from here? Tech wont start a drill program until at least late March or April, if they decide to go that route. Not sure of any other catalyst we have till then, except maybe a surprise buyout, but that hasn't happened in last few years like we hoped, and is unlikely to happen in coming months. So does our share price languish here in 0.30's till middle of next year? Still very disappointed at SP action, but I really hope for my sanity's sake that there is a Real Light at end of this long long dark twisted tunnel....

almost 11 years ago
Re: We will get news tomorrow IMO

I think we will get it next week, probably Monday or Tuesday. It could even be Dec 24 like last year. Who knows, but I just hope it is a great release of superb assays..

It looks like speculators took the share price to low 0.50 area before backing off and we are stuck in low 0.40's again. Oh well, just hoping for the best on this one like everyone else.

almost 11 years ago
Thanks YN

I don't know why my post got deleted, but I think Web's post which predicts a price slide down to 0.25 is soft bashing. After his post , the stock price actually started to go down and investor panic set in. I respect Webs alot, but sometimes he has his own agenda.

As they say in times like these, you need a strong stomach to prevent from puking.

almost 11 years ago
when will bleeding stop?

I would have never thought we would be trading around here again. At this rate we will be in 20 cent range in next couple of weeks without news.

Dont' know if this is tax loss selling or someone in the know about drill results.

I wish I had sold at 60 at this point.. just continuously getting kidded in the chops in this stock. Feel crappy for myself and all the people I recommended this stock to, which at that time was above 1 at time. The good thing is that they have already sold and I am still holding the baggage on this one. I still believe in it, but it is just hard to stomach..

I am not bashing, but just venting again.

almost 11 years ago
Pumpers are gone

No way to put positive spin on this stock.. I did believe in it, but I am constantly telling myself not to sell it.. wait for drill results and see what happens. I cant even take tax loss on this because I have transferred all my shares in TFSA account.

I came in this stock about 2.5 years ago when vette and webgogs were pumping this stock.. vette was saying buyout over 6 bucks and webgogs was saying 7.67 or thereabouts. That made me feel good at the time, since I was buying all the way up to 2.52.. My average is 1.25..

Lesson learned is dont trust anybody on bullboards.. There are very few that are honest and give proper info... And believe me bullboards can cause stock price to go quite higher and quite lower depending on which way people are swaying.

I should not have let my emotions get into this stock... #1 golden rule dont get married to a stock... My real marriage is suffering for this due to my promised deadlines for last 1.5 years that never materialized...

I cant believe we are sitting at 42 cents. Unbelievable. At this rate, we will be in 30's next week..

I hold on solely on fact there may be a buyout soon.... and I dont want my patience of last 2.5 years gone out the window... My buyout price a few years ago was $3 bucks. I am willing to take my average buying price which is $1.25 and be ok with it.

Sorry for the long vent... But frustatration is all I have and I have no one to blame but myself...

almost 11 years ago
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