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chunkytoast's Posts

Re: .15

LMAO, thanks yournadir, for lightening things up around here......chunky

over 7 years ago
Re: 700K-shares Blow out from ITG

moneyK, I believe you're right. it looked like a planned cross where someone wanted the shares and put up the large bid, and someone was willing to provide the shares and transfer into the bid.

happens often. it wouldn't seem to have been influenced by our non news release....chunky

almost 8 years ago
market manipulation

The current bid is 884,,000 @.12 and the ask is 284,000 @.125 with a volume of ZERO.

if anyone thinks that's normal I've got a bridge they may want to buy. this is complete B.S. just like a never positive poster who hates the company but continuously wastes their time posting about it.

some entity is trying to force discouraged retail into selling at .12

the real questions are who and what's their agenda.

best to most.....chunky

almost 8 years ago
Re: A Mine Someday

Thanks for your reply sydneyb. I knew that post wouldn't be well recieved but I would rather post an honest opinion than seek popularity. everything you said may be true and they aren't ready for the power supply so that's why I didn't mention it.

The big dissapointment for me was the dropped EA. they've had a multiple of the time required to optimize the pit. they have drilled the areas of interest to facilitate a better understanding and if they needed more info the cost of a few more holes is chump change to them. there hasn't been any real info released by anyone since they took over and a good example is the Mira electromagnetic study we paid for.

I like the Van Dyke project though I can't see where the 15 mil. is going to come from, so I hope it just gets sold as is, and the Carmax buy could be incredible for the future if their bungling doesn't result in an adverse court verdict, in which case it's worthless.

I'm still holding nearly half a million shares so I'm not trying to shoot myself in the foot, I'm merely trying to be objective because, to me, it's time to take off the rose coloured glasses and face reality, it may take a long while for this to get going, and even longer if the market tanks. I'm getting old and never intended staying this long at this to all..chunky

about 8 years ago

I don't believe it's in Teck's best interests to have our share price increase. the last thing they want is for some other mining co. to buy us out. they would end up with another partner they would have to carry.

When they're ready they will buy us and choose a trusted partner or two, who will pay their share of development costs. if this is correct they won't release any positive results of in house optimizations or anything else that would boost our share price. there is no obligation on their part to finish any in house research, or release the conclusions, or to share their future plans with anyone, including their JV partner.

I also believe, teck wants the Liard value for themselves. they could then sell a majority interest in the property, be the operator and still have more than half of the future profits.

we'd have been better off by producing a BFS teck would reject, trying to get rid of them, given them the penalties the agreement called for and been free agents in control of the property.

this will be a mine someday but when is anyones guess. dropping the EA work indicates, to me, it could be far down the road..all in my opinion.....chunky

about 8 years ago
Re: Canadian $

Hi Golf. you're intelligent and one of the most informed shareholders here re. ccu's technicals and operational prospects, npv under different scenarios etc. why don't you call Elmer and ask him if there is a reason for the lack of communication.

while you're at it you could ask why they didn't raise more capital during the last PP. to prevent going to the market again in another year or so. and, what the staff of Carmac is doing to justify their salaries. in fact,I wonder why we need anyone there at all, and especially after the claims fiasco. the last I've heard Elmer thinks it was an honest mistake. maybe you have to make allowances for stupidity.

If you were to approach him in a respectful manner and ask why there's been no news, maybe he would enlighten us.

I could do this myself but, I think you could do a more capable job of it. kindly don't be offended in any way by what I've just said, I honestly believe you could do it better. best to all.....chunky

about 8 years ago
ladysmith, British Columbia
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