St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
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almost 11 years ago
in response to sculpin's message

I should have added in my last post that I believe where the CEO intends to mine, upon the PP being closed, this may contain an air of security for investors. Security in the sense, that the company is in little danger of going bankrupt and perhaps becoming delisted. Although both don,t actually go hand in hand, I mention them only as two negatives that we may easily thwart and with the added intent of a forward plan, I detect the confidence needed to assure sustainability of the company as a trading entity going forward.

It is always everyones choice and free will of what they choose to do, in perhaps buying more shares or taking part in a PP, and anything said on this board is only opinion as stated in the disclaimer at the top of this forum; " Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company ".

Nevertheless, after everything shareholders have been through here so far, I believe much responsibility lies on the owners of the Exchange, the regulators and our government, to assure a continued existence of this company as well, therefore granting a further sense of security because of the considered acts of negligence that has been demonstrated thus far towards shareholders in this unique situation. A lot of this problem with the regulators, lies within the trading of this stock and the blatant appearance of an organized and condoned take down of the stock price, while they seemingly, turned their heads the other way.

Laws can be simplified to as simple as the amount in the 10 Commandments, instead of the perhaps 1000,s. Instead of trying to appease and accomodate many individuals, the most simplified and logical and reasonable thing to do, would be to make the least amount of laws possible and have all adhere to/comply with them, no exceptions. It doesn,t have to be as complicated as the makers of applicable legislation has made things, it has been made this way to confuse and allow for the Lawyer profession, the laws are written for the benefit of lawyers and not for the people they are supposed to protect. In all reality, the more complex and intertwined any legislation is, the more chance for it to be easily manipulated by the unethical, and in more reality yet, it takes away the security and contradicts the actual protective mechanism it is supposed to represent.

All in all, I feel safe at buying shares or participating in the PP. There is considerable upside in this stock, and the dream of $10,s per dollars per share, is still very well alive, under the right future conditions.

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130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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