St. Elias Mines

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Re: News
almost 11 years ago
in response to flyinglite's message

Well Fly, not to blame management, but I wish they would have put out some sample results from perhaps the Gold Summit property, or from other properties, like the South Rim I believe, but instead, nothing released publicly to even help support the stock price. Then there is the blatant take down of the stock price with the participation of the market makers, that could have been easily reversed with the stock perhaps sitting around .$40 cents at least. Then the retaining of the Cueva Blanca to hold value for the shareholders instead of selling it and helping to finance another joint venture partner on one of our lesser properties. Then there is the lapse of parts of our Carmi Moly properties that could have retained considerable stock price value. Then there was the issue of the naked shorting that wasn,t addressed. Then not to blame the regulators, but where they see no wrong and other investors do, causing some investors to sell, helped knock the stock price down. By no instilled confidence displayed by the BOD in the form of holding almost nil in stock in the company. The CEO continuously selling shares putting immense pressure on the stock in the last 20 months. The recent financials still reflecting uncontrolled expenditures in for example ; travel, stock promotion and shareholder communications..etc etc etc.

So as you can see, the list above seems like they all could have been easily prevented, but were not, and erased sentiment and confidence from any new investors taking a position in the stock as well, thus another thing that could have supported the stock price, but was blatantly absent.

With a BOD performing as per above, it should have been the BOD,S reaching into their pockets and cashing up the treasury, with gifts of cash. It is not shareholders responsibility to fill the PP, but that of the BOD that are there to assure that shareholders best interests are kept in mind, and several regulatory systems, that ascertain the enforcement of laws to ensure this is so.

And, as you so graciously suggested, how in the hell could shareholders help fill the PP when most were not sent the required forms to participate after they asked the office. I for one am still waiting for a call from Lori and one from Aaron.

I don,t mean for this reply to sound negative, I dont pass judgement on any involved, I understand them, they just don,t understand what they are doing to people because dollar signs and fear have clouded their eyes and perception so much here, that they are willing to risk everything to obtain nothing, it is absurd, but it is their choice and free will to walk among people that way. All I can do is send this photo below and hope they find theirs;

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