St. Elias Mines

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Re: Old News
almost 11 years ago
in response to BOW2U's message

As with most of the drill results, except some of the Canchete ones, they dont match historical data.

Hole number 09 had 1 intercept of 7 cm of .259 g/t. This was supposedly the highest grade of gold encountered in this hole.

The problem with hole # 09 is that it should have intercepted what appears to be a wide shear zone of perhaps 30-50 meters wide in conjunction with a secondary fault. Any historic data tells us that on the property, these types of structures are mineralized. Even Dynacors historic data told us about the shear zones to the north of us and on strike of being mineralized to the extent of ~3 g/t. Besides these structures, it should have intercepted individual veins as well before the bottom portion of the hole hit constant sulphide mineralization, in which we know, gold accompanies the sulphides. This hole also seems on strike with Zona Este, where there is disseminated gold and veins.

Hole number 10 had 1 intercept of 34 cm .46 g/t. This was supposedly the highest gold grade obtained from this hole.

The problem with hole #10 is that it should have went through two faults, possibly the N-1 vein(which was a vein found because of the geophysics prior to drilling, and an 18 inch sample revealed an impressive 2.5 ounces per ton gold/ 82 g/t), and the bottom 50-80 meter portion of this hole quite possibly penetrating the most highest chargeability geophysical signatures on the property. This same signature is coinsiding with the C-1 signature which showed consistent grades of ~3 ounces per ton near 100m depth, with a whopping 11 ounce per ton sample taking somewhere close to this depth, not to mention the massive sulphides and the ~5% copper found.

Hole number 11 had one intercept reported of 30cm which graded 1.06 g/t.

The problem with hole number 11 is that it was drilled right through what was known as a TESTED RESPONSE of the Quantec, Z-3. TESTED RESPONSE means ; a KNOWN AREA OF GOLD MINERALIZATION. Also, this area was totally within what is known as the "mineralized corridor" and this drill hole should have intercepted no less than 3 veins, 1 secondary fault/dyke, and what appears to have been the source conduit for the A-4 VEIN which holds the highest sample grade on the property of around ~20 ounces per ton/ 600 g/t, and a whopping 4 ton bulk sample which assayed 11 ounces per ton/ 360 g/t . A historic news release from this area has the granodiorite being mineralized, the fault gouge and the dyke material as well being mineralized with gold. This area also holds the "halo effect" gold. So, to not as hit any of this with the drill hole in this area, is rather strange.

This is not all I see wrong with these 3 holes, but for me, its enough to see and I really didn,t want to rehash over these now, but I know many new eyes are watching whats posted here, so thought it a valuable time to post it.

thank you

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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