Mrscramer's Profile

Mrscramer's Posts

Re: Anyone know what's up at Intigold?

Stress??? nothing that a case of red wine couldn't cure

almost 8 years ago
Re: Resignation effective IMMEDIATELY followed by halt

hopefully she's going to jail :)

almost 8 years ago
This is funny

Lori owns a ton of shares!!! all 109,287 hahah what a joke.

Better yet Paul Gray owns a big fat ZERO.

almost 8 years ago

just received the Notice of the annual AGM and special shareholders meeting in Vancouver on Thursday Dec. 1.

I may just fly to Van., say hi to the Queen and share 6 0r 7 bottles of Red wine with her.

maybe a well placed kick in the ass is in order.

almost 8 years ago
Re: FYI - Mountainstar storms BCSC Office

beyond, what I think you meant to say was "the funding from high grade narrow veins ceased to fund for exploration when Lori and her gang of bandits began .......... ......... .........."

almost 8 years ago
Re: Beyondhelp

now it's easy to see how she squandered millions of OUR dollars flying around the God damm world in a f private jet.

almost 8 years ago
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