St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
To all concerned.
almost 11 years ago
in response to hulkster's message

1. I am a novice shareholder that is in deep in this company through the DD that i did in this company, am I going to sell, LMAO sell what? a stock that is virtually worth a fraction of what I bought it for. Wow that would be pretty stupid, not bad for a novice!!

2. The blue collar worker such as myself had some income to invest. I guess that was stupid, maby the common person should never invest, ever!! Would that make you scramble that all you have to deal with is sharks like yourself. Maby your not so dumb, maby us hard working blue collar people should say the hell with it, I should never invest and see if you guys will have problems getting a company / this company off the ground. That is the message that you should send to everyone in the world. Your just pissed because you cant get a hold of my shares. Am I a dissident is the next question, well i gave money to fight (better to do this than invest more into a company that has a none existing board or a CEO that is the biggest joke with no punch line), not alot but what I had to spare. If you call me a dissident for that well Lmao. Better to fight the company that lost all my money for being stupid and that they cant understand that when you spend more than you make you get into trouble.

3. As for releasing information, What a joke!! If you worked with me, all of the St. Elias personel would be fired!! What info, so vague. Maby that is what you want!! You pumped us up and now your trying to dump us.

BTW how can you live with yourself. Am I upset, actually not anymore because when I think about it, I have my shares and you guys dont!!

Have a wonderful day!!

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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