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Re: To all concerned.

"Proof will never be provided because none exists"; that's not very objective for a "freelance investigative journalist"

Also, the handle "hullkster" seems to indicate you felt like you were "stepping in the ring" intending to "take on the green team" when you signed up, rather than to objectively investigate.

If you're going to feed this board a load of crap, maybe you should at least try to stay in character?

almost 11 years ago
Re: SLI Survey

65 million shares were voted for the green team at the AGM; that's 91% of voted shares. 91% does not constitute the "...small % of angry share holders..." that you are trying to portray.

The reason you aren't getting many thumbs up on your "SLI Survey" post is not because of a lack of support for the green team, it's because nobody wants to "recommend" a post made by an individual whose devious intentions are so transparent.

Similarly, the reason the PP doesn't have any interest cannot be blamed on the green team, although I'm sure management will try... Maybe it's time you accept the fact that it's because the public is sick of funding Lori's ridiculous pet projects and lavish lifestyle, only to see their money vaporize with no hope of a return. It has become the opinion of many that our ex-stockbroker leader (who has never even set foot on our flagship property, since it would add no value to have a stockbroker with no mining experience kick rocks around for a few days), doesn't intend to create any ROI for those who put up their cash, but would rather manipulate the system for the benefit of a very select few. The market has had plenty of time to assess Lori's character now, and I suspect she's going to have a very difficult time gaining any kind of public support in the future. When this chapter of her life is over, who knows, maybe she'll make a good waitress? or maybe she'll look good in orange?

Again, to be clear, anybody who would classify 65 million voted shares to be "...a small % of angry share holders..." is somebody who either likes to distort the truth, or somebody who sees the world through mescaline coloured glasses; either way the misguided individual obviously can't be trusted. Although it should be obvious, I'll spell this out for you; it's probably time for another new alias, people aren't quite as simple as you think.

It's time to get some real leaders in control of this company, not just a jaded group looking for a free ride on the backs of others.

All in my opinion only.

almost 11 years ago
Interesting SLI Website Comparision to three months ago

The following image shows some of the changes made to the website since Nov 24, 2012.

Most notably, the words "Infinite Potential" at the bottom of the page being removed and replaced with "BC".

Also notice the main navigation changed as well, no more "Strategic Plan" or "Questions".

Btw, are we still paying our "question/answer PR man" ~$5000/mo?

over 11 years ago


I would like to address some of your spam on the board:

1) "Seriously - would you want to be rich or Battling lawsuits? Why would she choose this mess over being rich?" - WillyWallace

The "green" shareholders do not want any lawsuits, they just want Lori to walk away. Lori is forcing these lawsuits, not us; and in turn, depleting SLI coffers for her own selfish purposes. 91% of voting shareholders want her bank card/cheque book revoked. Hopefully she will have to pay back every penny when the dust settles. The alternative to the lawsuits is to let Lori do as she pleases with what seems like zero accountability, and that is not an option for many shareholders.

Also, how will we be rich if 80% of our value (and voting control) is stripped by a private placement and if there is apparently no economical gold?

2/3) "Hogtown Said the drills would be the truth tellers and when the truth teller didn't tell what you wanted you had to make stuff up to justify your errors." - WillyWallace

"What Part of Everything >.5g/t reported don't you get?" - WillyWallace

As far as I know, Lori chose the drill locations, not the Quantec Titan 24 that so many had faith in, and also, many invested because of. Once the cores were drilled, only selected portions went to the lab, not the whole cores. We were told that no XRF guns were used at all, period, straight from Lori's mouth. Later the SLI website posted that portable guns had been used, and I suspect that they were. This indicates to me that the results could look any way Lori wanted them to look, by choosing sections that corresponded with anything she wanted, then could send those cherry picked sections to the lab for analysis. Only what has been sent to the lab must be reported publicly. If Lori essentially had free reign to make the results appear uneconomical if she wished; and if an individual doesn't trust that Lori has their best interests at heart; they have every right to suspect that the drill results are not indicative of what is in the ground at Tesoro.

I have my suspicions. The way I see it, Lori released unclear/bad results that I believe could have been easily manipulated; Lori sold the majority of her shares; she focused large amounts company time and company money on things than no sane shareholder of a mining company would approve of (fashion shows, sponsoring a poker player, starting new companies and dividing her time, buying into a start-up social media website); then once the share price had fallen by 95%, tried to issue a private placement for the lions share of the company at below the 52-week low price of the stock; essentially buying 80% of company for $10 million. That is only only 5% of what it was worth only one short year ago; that's when everything released from the company still looked amazing and the Quantec analysis backed that up.

It was like somebody threw a switch from "Great investment" to "Garbage investment" overnight. I wouldn't be so suspicious if there was some damage control and obvious attempts at bolstering the share price, but I didn't see any. All I saw was radio silence while money was spent on things that I found irresponsible and enraging. I have to wonder if those expenditures intentionally appeared that way, and why somebody would intentionally do such a thing...

All in my opinion only.

over 11 years ago
Re: IGD News

So just to recap this release: TTagit needs to be re-built from the ground up. Is that it? Is that really what this news release was about? Packed full of programming terms meant to confuse the average reader and keep them from getting the overall message?

Leigh Akin did a poor job of writing the code the first time and has to do everything over again; then make an IPhone app; then make an Android app. So right now, you own 51% of... nothing?? An idea? A mediocre first failed attempt at a website? That needs to be re-coded and re-created?

How is Lori not ashamed of paying a large sum of cash for this? What exactly did she put her money into? That's one expensive concept, because a functional website surely does not exist.

How are you going to put out a news release even roughly outlining how a useless database is going to be restructured; yet you can't tell your shareholders even rough details about the affairs of a mining business they thought they invested in? As I've stated before, I believe Lori was 'wowed' by Leigh's use of industry terms and programming jargon. She threw money at him because she was duped into believing Leigh Akin is somehow unique in being able to use CSS and Javascript.

Guess what Lori, it's a huge industry, with of millions of people. Millions of people are capable of compiling websites! Not just your buddy Leigh! They all work for a lot less money! You got hosed!!!

Talking about "advanced key-value store and working with Node.js a platform" might make you feel like an invalid in the presence of an infinitely more intelligent being. You might feel like the guy can crush Facebook and be the new kingpin of social media with all his impressive new words you've never heard. The rest of us are not so easily fooled. He is a programmer, there are many like him who are capable of the very same things he is. They would love it too if you could give them $800,000 for their re-hashed, yesterdays news ideas.

Now if only you had a bottomless pit filled with other peoples money...

All in my opinion.

over 11 years ago
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