St. Elias Mines

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over 11 years ago


I would like to address some of your spam on the board:

1) "Seriously - would you want to be rich or Battling lawsuits? Why would she choose this mess over being rich?" - WillyWallace

The "green" shareholders do not want any lawsuits, they just want Lori to walk away. Lori is forcing these lawsuits, not us; and in turn, depleting SLI coffers for her own selfish purposes. 91% of voting shareholders want her bank card/cheque book revoked. Hopefully she will have to pay back every penny when the dust settles. The alternative to the lawsuits is to let Lori do as she pleases with what seems like zero accountability, and that is not an option for many shareholders.

Also, how will we be rich if 80% of our value (and voting control) is stripped by a private placement and if there is apparently no economical gold?

2/3) "Hogtown Said the drills would be the truth tellers and when the truth teller didn't tell what you wanted you had to make stuff up to justify your errors." - WillyWallace

"What Part of Everything >.5g/t reported don't you get?" - WillyWallace

As far as I know, Lori chose the drill locations, not the Quantec Titan 24 that so many had faith in, and also, many invested because of. Once the cores were drilled, only selected portions went to the lab, not the whole cores. We were told that no XRF guns were used at all, period, straight from Lori's mouth. Later the SLI website posted that portable guns had been used, and I suspect that they were. This indicates to me that the results could look any way Lori wanted them to look, by choosing sections that corresponded with anything she wanted, then could send those cherry picked sections to the lab for analysis. Only what has been sent to the lab must be reported publicly. If Lori essentially had free reign to make the results appear uneconomical if she wished; and if an individual doesn't trust that Lori has their best interests at heart; they have every right to suspect that the drill results are not indicative of what is in the ground at Tesoro.

I have my suspicions. The way I see it, Lori released unclear/bad results that I believe could have been easily manipulated; Lori sold the majority of her shares; she focused large amounts company time and company money on things than no sane shareholder of a mining company would approve of (fashion shows, sponsoring a poker player, starting new companies and dividing her time, buying into a start-up social media website); then once the share price had fallen by 95%, tried to issue a private placement for the lions share of the company at below the 52-week low price of the stock; essentially buying 80% of company for $10 million. That is only only 5% of what it was worth only one short year ago; that's when everything released from the company still looked amazing and the Quantec analysis backed that up.

It was like somebody threw a switch from "Great investment" to "Garbage investment" overnight. I wouldn't be so suspicious if there was some damage control and obvious attempts at bolstering the share price, but I didn't see any. All I saw was radio silence while money was spent on things that I found irresponsible and enraging. I have to wonder if those expenditures intentionally appeared that way, and why somebody would intentionally do such a thing...

All in my opinion only.

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