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mimi's Posts

Re: Resignation effective IMMEDIATELY followed by halt

Agreed Molson, you know dam well Lori is up to some sneaky, under handed idea of some sort, she some how seems to be above the law in anything she does, she knows all the loop holes and uses them, to aquire what she wants and gets, she wants all SLI gold propertys for herself and will use any tactic to get them. if Tessro is a trillion $ property ,time, govt agencies, securitis and RCMP are on her side for a possible piece of the pie, been done before ,will happen again, us poor little shareholes dont have a prayer fighting these odds, just my opinion

almost 8 years ago
Re: Resignation effective IMMEDIATELY followed by halt

i wonder if with all the precular buying and selling off of shares by Lori, fellow from Red deer and fellow from Whitecourt, if the IIROC are investicating the 3 for illegal trading and Lori was taken away in handcuffs and is in the crowbar hotel. I cant see Lori resigning and walking away, unless she was in deep ka ka

almost 8 years ago

The information is on Sedar, although I have not yet received a proxy in the mail. The name change has been voted on and approved for 2 years in a row now but doesn't appear to be utilized.

Haukedal is now approximately 25% shareholder and the company appears to want to do some what of a personal PP with him for 1,000,000 shares.

I wonder if the CEO is aware that on May 9, 2016 the rules for early warning reports were amended. Following the intial news release stating 10% ownership of company shares, each additional 2% acquisition requires a news release to be issued by opening of markets the following day.

Additional Required Disclosure of Decreases in Ownership – Shareholders who have met the 10% reporting threshold will now be required to report both increases and decreases of 2% or more in ownership.

· Press Releases – The EWR Amendments clarify that early warning news releases must be issued and filed no later than the opening of trading on the next business day.

Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard/v.igd/intigold-mines-ltd?postid=25456902#0KMRi3rZDbhR7msE.99

almost 8 years ago
Re: Former SLI director McDonald passes away

Just wonder if Lori has gone on this transgender thing, as per news release, Mr. Lori McClenahan, LMAO. and just wondering how Paul died, was it of natural causes or was because maybe he knew to much about operations

over 8 years ago
Re: So what does this mean for the shareholders?

She didnt want it in our hands,because shes "THE WICKED BITCH OF THE WEST"

over 8 years ago
Re: Contacted a radio station

LOL, looks like, ask and ye shall recieve

over 8 years ago
born in SASK.
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