St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to hulkster's message

Dear Hulkster,

I don,t care what industry does, as per say not reporting the angle of drill holes. And, when I traded various resource stocks, I don,t ever recall seeing any reporting issuers not reporting azimuth or dips. This information is very important not only to investors, but to the analysts that some investors look toward for answers, and what exactly the results mean. The very laws designed to protect investors have been compromised and not enforced by those that have the power to do so, this tells one that there is false protection presented to investors and that there is little to no integrity in the markets.

Its clear to see that investors here have been deprived of this most valuable information in regards to the angles and direction of the drill holes. Especially when you have targets, when you do not have this information, its impossible for any analyst to decide if the targets have been hit, grazed or missed. This is where the depravation enters the picture and does not allow an investor to make a reasonable decision on their investment.

Had investors had this information, perhaps even more questions would have arisen, as per hole #8. You can see in the 2 attached links, how I question hole # 8, among many if not all. You will notice the date of my post, Feb, 2013, then you will notice the date of the company news release of correction, April 2013. If you wish to scrutinize further, you may also wish to examine the SP around these consecutive dates. I will add also, that the deeper anomalies were the targets here, so why end a drill hole at the ~200m level, when the target seemingly only started from the 200m level down, it doesn,t make sense. Anyhow, review the info below and draw your own conclusions.

( note; I will not expose important and all argument for any possible future litigation on any public forum.)

Although the dip of the holes can be used as inside information, I don,t see it utilized in the public record of insider trade reports. But, there are many ways in the trading industry that individuals are able to trade rather secretly, one being the use of off shore accounts, where usually accounts are set up in other or fictitious names. To complicate a paper trail further, the trades are usually funneled through the U.S. Depository, where the volume is high daily and also the data is massive. Although having said this, clear records are supposed to be kept as well as a digital back up system that all institutions are supposed to have incorporated, for this very purpose and others. I am not saying that I see wrong doing on the managements part, only that there are many ways to do it, if one desires.

Getting back to the importance of the dip of holes, yes it is important. There are a couple rumours from prospective investors of around summer/fall of 2011, before any drill or trenching results were released, that they were told by their brokers that not to buy, the stock was going to .10 cents. The stock then was over $2. This is a grave concern for me,if true, because it may suggest an orchestrated plan to hit the stock and accumulate shares, or that the brokerage world was in receipt of information long before the results reached the public eye. Keep in mind that this may not be the case, its only rumours at this time,but I do believe it warrants investigation, in light of all the other suspicious things that have occured with this investment. I will also say here, that a review of the trading will clearly show considerable amounts of shares being sold by someone from Oct 2011 up until Jan 2012, this time frame is very important to any investigator. As well as the shorting records and positions taken up during the past several years with this stock, and the shorting assumption to have an uncanny track record of mostly being 100% correct 100% of the time.One really has to consider this track record when keeping in mind that we were drilling what may have been one of the biggest gold finds ever, as portrayed through various remarks from our CEO. Namely, the remark given at a 2011 AGM that Quantec was really excited about the geophysics and considered the strong comparison to the Red Lake Mine, on of the richest highest grade mines in the world. FYI, I have did a small comparison, and see that our potential deposit, could dwarf the Red Lake, all the constituents were there, up until the drill results...

All of the above is not an implication of wrong doing by anyone, I am merely showing speculation, some facts, and how some questions arise. I will further say that there is more information that I base my quizzical nature upon, that will not reach this forum, at this time. As most know, this matter is under investigation, and some material may be case sensitive.

thank you


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