Silver Falcon Mining

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over 12 years ago
in response to Garick's message

It is beginning to look like Roger S. opted out for other than personal reasons. This is a flaming red flag folks! The man has a reputation and character to protect...and has obviously been welcomed elsewhere. If he moved to protect his character, or was uncomfortable getting to know PQ, then we all have big problems. If he quit because PQ would not or could not keep certain promises or commitments, then what the hell is going on? PQ's character has been assailed by many...and from previous lifetimes. Is it all sour grapes? We always thought so...but gee, hmmm, well, maybe Sinbob really f-cked up. The number one consideration is ALWAYS the capability and integrity of management for ALL junior gold projects. I screwed up by ignoring myself, and all the warnings and hints along the way. After all, with a potential 10 million ounce resource, how could anyone screw that up?

One caveat that is REAL, is the shenanigans and outright larceny/theft that takes place on the otc...and if this is the case, management is helpless....and all of this is meaningless.

One could speculate that RS did not like the way things were being managed and got out. In retrospect, DUH! If he knows anything that is untoward, that he has been witness to or suspicious of, it must have been weighing on him. Maybe he fealt compromised if he stayed on. Maybe I'm just paranoid. Thit Daffy, don't get tho pithed!

I wonder what he is doing/has done with his shares? If he has dumped/dealt them all...why? Has he completely severed all ties to SFMI? If so...Why?

All of this cumulative flotsam and understandable mistrust in management has reached a core level with most longtimers I would have to think. What happened to all those guys who invested big bucks long ago? There are one hell of a lot of cookie crumbs on the trail now Hansell . "Gee", I kept saying to myself, those crumbs really don't mean much...until you have enough to bake a friggin cake.

Go back and read some of the absolute bullshit in old NRs. It makes me sick with myself that I have overlooked so many 'hiccups'. Gee, good for PQ and his family...guess PQ has brought all this together with smarts and guile...and has worked hard...but, hmmmm...he does compensate himself and his unqualified family quite well. Oh well, he deserves it when our big payday arrives."

What is RK's role here? If his integrity is compromised why would he still be employed by Scorpio? There is a bullshit excuse for so many large sell offs..that it has become insulting. Are they just guessing, groping for answers? Milliions and millions of shares have traded over the last few months alone. Add up the $millions changing over the last year and ask yourself who is incented and why...and who is getting the skim off...and how many counterfeit shares have been sold over and over and over again.

Bouts you need to shake your head about all that buyout stuff...if something untoward is skittling about.

Big Pic, I cannot understand why you are content to think all will be well. There have just been too many 'credit of the doubts' handed out to PQ. You (and others) have millions of shares and a huge claim stake in SFMI. Many of you have had personal converstions with the 'real hitters' and came away massaged...but no brass ring. If I were you I would be meeting with PQ to get some solid feedback and ask some very tough and a few other respectable shareholders that hold a large chunk of the company's stock. About a dozen big shareholders should be about incensed right now. PQ must be a very disarming guy. If it isn't him then it is the trading and it should be exposed and pursued with vigor and venom.

I'd be thinking pretty hard about what little surpises might be in store if I held millions of shares. Hmmm...could a share split be possible with new options being granted to the selected? How about a nice deal for the selected with a new partner? Doubt and greed make a strange cocktail.

Pic, if you know something that gives you absolute comfort at this juncture, what could it be? You keep saying that this junior will be big so you must have serious convictions...the ones I used to have. The fundamentals are stupendous. You are too smart to just have 'faith'. Have you been sold a bill of goods...along with others? These are questions now in the minds of all disrespect to you.

I know some of you will counsel rational thought. That time has now passed as far as I'm concerned. Spiny is always the voice of reason so I will shut my trap now and watch all the forthcoming deliberations.

I say it again...someone is compromised...maybe several are compromised. And I repeat, even if the stock does suddenly spring to life...very serious questions need to be asked of those who run the show. but hey, if that happens all will be forgotten and on with life.

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