sinbob's Profile

Retired from health care sales and marketing career and self-promoted to Gold Bug. Entreprenurial adventures in mining/exploration, real estate, new health care product and wind energy. Eternally optimistic about gold bull market.

sinbob's Posts

Re: Big offer keeps lowering.

P.S: this is what reminded me of the 'past':

NEWS OUT: WEYL.OTCQB-WEYLAND TECH INC-Weyland Tech’s (WEYL) Malaysia Partner Announces Launch of Specialized App

From your good friend at 'Yes International'. Yes, indeed.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Big offer keeps lowering.

Good Lord. Just thought I'd do some checking and I see more misery coming here.

There are so many incredible gold/silver opportunities out there that I wonder why you folks are wasting your time here?

SFMI ... ashamed I was ever involved with that miserable mistake.

I hope all those who are honest and that post here will do well but not with this thing.

Goood luck anyway.

almost 8 years ago
Re: O.T. Has anyone posted an analysis....

Hi Cockerel:

From what I have seen so far we have the usual ‘seasonal ‘adjustment’ games being played. This one was unusually generous. BLS claimed big low wage jobs increase for those over 55 (378000) while those for males under 54 jobs tumbling by 119000. Also, bartenders, waiters, health care and education were the big winners. Meanwhile consumer credit made the biggest jump in history, mostly Gov. funded car loans and student loans … yada, yada. Labour participation costs not included for small business includes soc. Sec., disability, other insurance. Big contributor to latest GDP was 10% increase in healthcare costs.

Huge short sales in gold futures should mark a quick turn around for gold/silver to head up short term next few weeks as they buy back their positions … but caution quick take down again after that. Almost 300 ounces of gold claimed for every ounce available now in futures markets. Gold ‘inventory’ switched form Nova Scotia to JPM in the ‘warehouse’.

It goes on and on. Take care

almost 9 years ago
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