bigpic4ever's Profile

...been there and done that with markets for 33 not fear loss as risk can always be minimized with research. Learning from mistakes rather than withdrawing is essential. Staying humble is more than essential. It is vital. I have a developed a long term approach to investing based on cycles confidence, but feel that one's personality should dictate trading preference. A fabulous quote recently at SH expresses what this forum should be...."What the axe forgets, the tree always remembers".

bigpic4ever's Posts

Re: whats the deal ? I can bite my tongue is this one….

I will not disclose the complainer of that post, but it was removed because of insinuation that several posters here have [or] claim to have inside information.

Insider info. is an area that can not be confirmed, and we need avoid such insinuation....pic 

over 7 years ago
Re: Could we post a Level 2 array

 Wow....less than $1000 takes her to .01 with that array. Unfortunately, the termites aren't easily seen until you rattle the woodwork!....pic 

over 7 years ago
Could we post a Level 2 array view of yesterday's short interest data, would be good for all to see the array today...pic


over 7 years ago
Coming to a head

One can almost feel this BRVO sleepwalk and power struggle coming to a head.

Note that pmseeker and spiny are also HUB Leaders. They have my blessing to enact any process as they see fit.

Pic will be easing out if the Texas group decides to take the next step. It has been a pleasure [mostly] serving you, and I will hang for awhile if we get some resolvation by Feb. 3.

The turn today with short shares is especially troubling. Potential mgt. wrong doings must be addressed one way or another.  All is in place to resolve the dubious issues at hand. I vowed when I returned that I would not walk away again if a legit management and business model did not prevail.

I am hopeful that we will get some good news and encouragement. I just want a clean BRVO moving forward. Don't we all?......pic 

over 7 years ago
Re: fade

Lookie here guy....We need better! We need change!.....bring on PP and his delayed initiaves [or] bring on JP and some fresh initiatives....doesn't really matter to me. What can YOU share with us?

One has to admit that a whole lot of inefficiency is at the forefront. PP is the CEO and all those "nons" are jumping off of HIS desk.

New inside shorting? Three month late 10-Q? Sub .01 price? Terrible image?

Am I imagining these things. Help us/me to see the light...not a dead end tunnel. 

over 7 years ago
Re: fade

fade...are you a rooster in disguise?...ease up. We both want better. What does my sharing of thought have to do with being the board leader here?  Criticizing me is pointless. I am a volunteer. And being rude never works.

Yes, several have contactacted me about the postential for such a class action event. I merely shared that information. Note the word "could"...sounds rather non threatning to me.

As for your inference as to my lack of class and posterior, that more reflects on the writer. 


over 7 years ago
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