XAHAX's Profile

XAHAX's Posts

Re: Today...SFMI .0013 high

It's the final set back before the next setback. The last of the share dilution until the next one or two billion shares are issued. The start of revenues is just around the corner, but that corner is on the nearest (or second nearest) habitable planet.

over 10 years ago
Re: Fun & games with GHDCD...

So far,as long as I have owned this stock (from $0.02, up to $0.47, back to $0.0012) there has been no good news - that is - none of the news that there has been has resulted in positive, sustained share price momentum, or even reason to have confidence that such momentum is attainable.

Like many, I have averaged down recently, kind of like eating more when you are already full, in hopes that maybe you will....... (enough of that thought).

I for one am glad that there have been no vague, even confusing, PRs. Better to wait for real information than to continue to string us along. That said, and even though a few hundred bucks buys hundreds of thousands of shares, there is no compelling reason to put even more into this.

over 10 years ago
Re: OT: This stuff sucks.....

Maybe the only fish on War Eagle are the Qs; but when they look down the shareholder list, I bet they see a lot of SUCKERS.

over 10 years ago
Re: Selling/gold miner

I for one am glad that there have been no worthless PRs from the company for quite a few months. Better they say nothing than mislead, or create unrealistic expectations. When the day comes that there is solid, substantial information to release, have at it.

I am not even a millionaire in combined SF/GH shares - but getting close - mostly when I lose my senses and jump in for the occasional 100k of cheapies. But I also had purchased from $0.02 up to $0.25 and back down, so I am around $0.07 average.

At this point I would be so happy to get even close to 50% back, but I see nothing yet to make me think that will happen. Which would look better to me today: My brokerage account statement with near 1mm shares, or a new Corvette in my driveway?

over 10 years ago
Re: The Question of the Week - the Answer

Answer: Looks like there is plenty of opportunity to average down. And down. And down. And down.............

almost 11 years ago
The Question of the Week

Friday early morning I placed an order for 100,000 shares at $0.002, and it was never filled.

The question: Did I somehow miss an opportunity to average down a little more, or is there still plenty of time left to do that?

almost 11 years ago
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