Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

What a group we are! Warriors, each and every one of us. Huffing and puffing with spears at the ready, we charge the ramparts of cyberspace to do honourable battle with...

Our Board Of Directors???

Because we don't like how they are running things? Because they won't listen to our wails of woe, our endless sniping, or our insistance that things should be better?

Because they made a choice to stop funding this investor dedicated bulletin board that has not cut them any slack since the last AGM?

Is this truly why we are collectively gnashing our teeth and ripping our clothes? Really?

Or is it because all of us (with the exception of the select oh so annoying few) have had our rear ends pummellled in the current economic slaughter? That our losses, across the board, have been breathtaking in their size and scope, and that truly, we see no immediate hope for the future?

And that this BOD, and the miserable way they came to power, represents a plumb, so very juicy, target.

And so we rail and gas and moan and plan the downfall of the evil, evil BOD.

All well and good. Except for the simple fact that they have done absolutely nothing (as yet) which speaks to ineptitude, incompetence or illegality. They don't want to chat with us? Smile and tell us everything is going to be just fine? Engage is a great big collective hug? No kidding. Maybe they don't know that everything is going to be just fine. Maybe they are as concerned about the future as we are. Maybe, just maybe, they have nothing yet worth reporting.

Or maybe they are pursuing a plan for the future of the company in which our resource is properly delineated, defined and documented while they engage in quiet discussions with those parties who actually have the funds to see this type of venture through.

Last I checked, against significant opposition from the members of this esteemed community, our BOD managed to finance the company while the rest of the market swirled down the loo. Last I checked, our drills are whirring and spinning and our cores are being stacked and catalogued. Last I checked, some of our brother and sister companies are not doing so well, and may yet find themselves under our care. Last I checked, there has been not a hint of a desire to sell us or the company assets down the river for a song.

So let me get this straight. Some of us are insulted because certain evil persons on the BOD have been rude. Some of us are certain that the sky is falling, because Agoracom is no longer a service provider. Some of us just don't like the IR person retained by the company.

Well, cry me a river, and pass me the musket. Looks like we're going to war!

With respect, it's time to get real. Bruised ego's and deflated senses of self worth (generally falling hard after an inflated sense of self importance) are pretty silly reasons to mass the forces.

As shareholders with a collective sense, we do have certain power, but it is power that should only be utilized or threatened in the clearest and most pressing circumstances. Those circumstances, again with respect, have not come to pass.

Many of you will know from my few past postings, that I practice litigation for a living (my father says I should have gone into dentistry and there are many days I agree with him). One of the important rules of litigation is that you do not make idle threats. Another is that you do not wear your case on your sleeve. If you do either of these two things (and a host of others which I will not bore you with) your success in the business will be short lived and you will generally be seen as a joke or an "unarmed opponent" or worst, a "windbag".

Applying that approach to our present situation, the gassy self indulgent, impotently threatening tone of many of the last few days posts have left me cringing, and have left me cold. I pray that potential suitors and potential shareholders do not read the last few days postings because they would see nothing attractive about our company, and frankly, quite the opposite.

They would not see our tons of Chromatite, Nickle, Platinum and other valuable goodies in the ground that we own. They would not see the incredible roster of experts who have come to be part of the Noront story. They would not see the potential to make a gazillion dollars in the future for a modest investment now.

They would see a petty, squabling group of shareholders professing to all the world that their BOD cares not a whit for it's shareholders, and plans on sticking it to all but themselves. Speculating on sell outs and withheld information, and greed.


My apologies if this post does not contain my normal good humour in the face of adversity, but I do not see many of you doing much of anything to add value to my shares.

It's time to get behind your company. It's time to offer whatever support you can to this BOD and get the good news word out to the street that we have the next major mining source in the palms of our hands. These guys are in charge and as far as I can tell, while they have a different approach then Richard Nemis and co., they are allowed to do what they believe is in the best interests of the company, my company (in fact legally obliged to do so) , and I am in no position to second guess any of it. And for now, that is fine by me.

I know the powers that can be called upon if and when they must. Frankly, I pray that we never have to go that route, and speaking from a complete sense of self interest, I expect that I will be long gone if I ever sense that need.

In the meantime, I continue to hold, and when the time is right, to quietly accumulate.

Now, if you would all be so kind as to keep the bickering down to a low roar, my pillow beckons.


Wake me at $20.00


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