khareema's Profile

khareema's Posts

Re: Most actives & Top % Gainers, Financial Post, Sat. edition.

It's not so much the shadow I am watching for. More so that big black cloud that has been hanging around the last couple of years.

As to whether I saw it or not, I have to remain silent as promised (well, maybe at a buck I could be persuaded to break it).

Best regards


over 10 years ago
Re: Whaddya know?

Several years of experience tells me that there is an inverse relationship between my enthusiasm and the share price.

On that basis, I am going to remain absolutely silent.

Good luck all.


over 10 years ago
Nuclear wasteland now?

What absolute crap.

I know I urged this kind of discussion should be posted elsewhere, But sometimes one has to lose one's cool just to stay sane.

On Highway 10, coming west out of Palm Springs, you can take highway 215 around Redlands to get to highway 15 north to Barstow. On that bypass, you pass through several miles of old aggregate removal workings that have been in operation for more than 50 years, and continues today. This is right in the middle of the most populated area in North America. It can be, and has been, used by the movie industry, with minimal props, to depict some of the ugliest landscapes ever imagined, and is many miles in any direction.

Since our friend Neil has chosen to reside in that area, rather than his (native?) Canada, why does he not take his tour down there and see if he can get enough support to repair some of that damage done to Mother Nature right there at home.

And I used to enjoy his music at one time.

over 10 years ago
Re: Go Neil !

Sorry, Ken, but that is absolutley wrong.

Every statement against the oilsands on these forums are written by people who have never been there. Nor do they understand the situation. Even this PETROPOLIS thing is published with an agenda and is totally one sided.

I have been there, and seen the before, during, and after, and nowhere have I seen a location that was not left in better condition, ecologically, or environmentally, then it was before.

It may not be natural, but that is because Mother Nature chose to create a cesspool in the area. Man's actions, in this case has resulted in an environmentally superior condition.

My first terms of reference would be the diaries of Robert Service, who travelled the area enroute from eastern Canada to the Yukon +/-120 years ago, where he described, smelly undrinkable water, with oil streaks in it, fires burning constantly from gases leaking from underground, and huge flylike insects seeking your blood.

Regarding politics, which I abhor on this type of forum, I am a small c conservative, by virtue of having been a card carrying member of the Reform party for more than 30 years.

My only comment on the subject is that if one was to encourage a situation that usurped Harper's leadership, it tends to open the door to a replacement, and the prominent one might be Flaherty. That is enough for anyonre to find the need for imediate regurgitation.

But, all in all, remember that to keep things in focus, one needs to keep their tongue firmly in their cheek at all times.

Best regards


over 10 years ago
Re: My apologies to this forum

Ken, my friend, I'll make you a deal. Turn that 47 days into 87, And you can say anything you want on this forum in the interim. We will support you 150%, while you rant.

Take care


over 10 years ago
Re: Infrastructure and government

So, it seems, we are going to bring the political circus back into the picture again. I don't follow eastern provincial politics that closely, but it seems to me that we have watched at least two federal elections, and about the same for Prov. Each of them were theoretically going to have an effect on our situation, but in reality all we on the forums did was provide a platform for more political garbage. Now, it appears, we are going to go through the same thing one (or two) more time(s).

This thing will happen, and when it does, it will not be because of political promises or committments, neither of which would be worth a nickel of any intelligent investor's money.

The feds will come, and when they do, it will be with the agreement and support of area FN, rather than political alliances with provincial parties.

If the feds were to announce tomorrow that they had a deal with the province for infrastructure, it would be pointless. They would still have to get FN's onside, and the FN negotiators would tend to harden their positions if everything depended on their agreement. Better for the feds to settle with FN first, then agree to participate with the province, and private interests.

But please, folks, let's keep politics where they belong. Anywhere but here.

Best regards

over 10 years ago
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