crazydik's Profile

Investor in speculative junior metals explorers for close to 20 years. Favourite long term holds: Noront Resources (not.v)(16 years) Ontex Resources ( GRC (18 years)

crazydik's Posts

Wakey, Wakey, Shmooze and Steaky!


My name is Crazydik, and I am a Noront addict.

“Hello, Crazydik!”

Some of you fellow addicts may recall me from days long past. From a time when the mining blogoshere was marked by the mania of unbelievable, if somewhat brief, highs and crushing, lasting, seemingly bottomless, lows.

When Noront was run by a humble past lawyer named Richard Nemis, who took a tiny penny stock company, and brought it to world view, by grasping the brass (actually nickel) ring in a desolate stretch of marshy scrubland in the James Bay lowlands.

I remember that day when the first core sample, rich with pentlandite, was drilled out of the muskeg. I remember holding that drill sample in my hands at the AGM that year, as Richard took the podium to an explosion of applause , where he stood quietly, thoughtfully acknowledging the praise well earned.

I recall being proud and happy and feeling blessed that I would have a small part in the development of the next major mining camp in Canada. That I could claim a modest interest in land so massively rich in natural resources as to cast a lasting shadow over Sudbury. An area that would change the future of Canada. A project that would go down in the history books.

It wasn’t just about the money, although don’t get me wrong... :)

It was about being part of something exciting and meaningful and bigger than myself. And it was about being part of this family of investors, willing to assume that type of risk. I felt like a pioneer.

Thus the addiction.

Anyway, forgive the self indulgence of a trip down memory lane. That was then, and this is now. We, as a somewhat dysfunctional family, have survived much in the interim years dealing with changes in management, the government, the Natives. But we have made progress, damn slow progress :), but progress none-the-less.

And as I look at who continues to post, I am moved by the tenacity of this group. We have weathered much, but as a group of crazy (but dedicated) investors, we have persevered. And we will succeed.

Who would have thought?

That said, we should celebrate the fact that we are still here, and have largely stuck together.

Stratopod has been selflessly providing an opportunity for the old timers and the newbies to come together once a year to play some golf , eat some great food, listen to a smashingly good band, DRINK!, but mostly share information and reminisce.

His efforts at keeping the family together are appreciated and should be recognized.

This year, as you know, the ROF Classic will be on Saturday night. It's too late for golf (which is a good thing for me, you don't want to be around me with a club in my hands!, but it would be great to see you there for dinner. These opportunities are too few (ESPECIALLY NOW THAT WE HAVE NO PM, GEORGE...GEORGE, CAN YA HEAR ME GEORGE???? :))

I will set my alarm clock for this occasion.

Hope to see you all there.

Until then,


Wake me up at....well, you know....


almost 8 years ago
Re: Updated $ value/ton of Eagle.


I have never doubted the potential for $20 with this stock, notwithstanding that certain management of the past (ya Wes, I am talking about you), various FN sorts, our crap can government, etc., have worked diligently to gut the enthusiam of even the most stalwart supporters.

But none of them can diminish the reality or the value of the metals in the ground. That resource has only improved with time.

Some time ago, in disgust, I liquidated the majority of my holdings, but maintained an interest. I continue to maintain an interest, and am considering expanding, once again, my holdings over the next 12 months.

I have no faith whatsoever in the lying sleazy liberal provincial government that was granted a majority here in Ontario. But that said, I do believe in economic forces dictating outcomes, and the ROF is an economic force. It cannot, and will not be ignored or ultimately denied.

I have been largely silent on this board for some time. There was frankly little to add.

New management is expressing optimism and enthusiam.

Optimism and enthusiasm runs the risk of becoming contagious :)

Perhaps it is time to sleep a little less.


over 9 years ago
Re: Eagle Hill Announces Proposed Share Consolidation

Hi all,

Long time.

I am not a big fan of share consolidations. Have seen too many consolidate down to obscurity,

But at the same time, I am sure no fan of 477 million outstanding shares for a penny stock, or more accurately, a two penny stock.

There is no win here unless the share price rises.

I think that it will.

But for now...



over 9 years ago
Outstanding News.

No more fear in the market based on vague and indecipherable agreements that could have wrested the project from the company to be traded away by Noront. Not happy about the 25 million shares, not because it is not a good deal, I just begrudge Noront ever profiting from this project that was so badly mishandled by Wes and his cronies.

Still, time to breathe deeply, smile, and move on.

And move on we shall.

Great property, great management team, and rosy future.

The kind of thing for which I got involved in this type of investing many years ago.

Take us home, Brad. You know the way :)


about 11 years ago
Halted eom


about 11 years ago
Re: Liquidity Event.

Hey Truck,

Thanks for the greeting. Mrs. Crazy sends her best to you and yours. We are indeed hoping to attend the golf festivities again this year.

It would be nice if we all could do so at a couple bucks a share :)


over 11 years ago
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