Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
i like it
over 15 years ago

first disclosure, i own not, fwr, spq, kwg uc and mtx

second, I have lost my shirt on all

With that out of the way......I post here on occasion, I read each and every post each and every day. I've been here about 10 months now and can generally tell you when the mood swings happen, its not much different then my wifes mood swings.....ha ha

The behaviour on the board the last bit has been deplorable and it happens with lack of news or news that is not as positive as you would like to hear. Its like a hungry crowd fighting over food, if you don't get your piece you get angrier and violence happens. In the case of our forum that is exactly what is happening. People take the slightest bit of information out of context and the next thing you know there is a civil war going on. May I remind everyone to read twice and post only after they have read and reread thier posts to ensure thier message is clear.

Infighting on this forum does no one any good and only results in 5 pages of useless posts that the rest of us have to wade through. No one wants to do that and simply some evenings it is absolutley gruelling to read the utter crap that goes on during the day. I honestly believe that as a whole this group is much more mature then we have shown of late and I long for the excellent discussions and positive banter that I heard when I joined this wonderful forum.

Some other thoughts:

1. noront sponsored forum or not. George has said the forum will be here whether noront pays for it or not. There are lots of unsponsered boards here and they work very well. As long as the board is sponsored by Noront they have the right to censor, get used to it, you wouldn't want someone trashing you on your board and would remove that type of banter. Mustangman offered to do another website, I admire him in taking on the task but there is no need, this forum is here as well as the mcfaulds forum if for some reason there was no longer a Noront forum. Be respectful people. Giving respect gets you respect, right now the behaviour is such that NO ONE will give you the time of day.

2. Windfall. Something, anything, would be better then what we have now. Obviously the new BOD doesn't want to share. My feeling is that if this was really a bad bad thing then we would have heard comment from FWR and MGR as they are partners with NOT on Windfall, so why aren't they complaining????Maybe they know somethings is up as well. Patience my friends, they haven't sold it for a buck so just wait it out.

3. Interviews. We always build up excitement before the interviews, news is coming, they have to say something we hear little. Do yourself a favour and don't expect anything...that way when good news arrives you will have something to be excited about and not the opposite.

4. Richard Nemis. A wonderful man. I'm sure he's up to something and I'm sure he didn't lead us down the garden path. I have looked him in the eye and BELIEVE him when he says hold on to your shares. Hey, if you sold your shares, it wouldn't hurt him would it? Hes giving you advise to help make you money. Take it for what its worth.

5. The BOD. Lets get over it. I was as opposed as any on here and its time to stop this useless discussion about whether they are any good or not. They are what they are and we have what we have. If you believe in the stock stick around, if you don't its time to move on.

6. Rants. Who do these benefit? Only 1 person, the one blowing off steam, who do they effect? Everyone, and to make it worse they promote negativity. Lets try and be somewhat positive.

7. Our Core posters. The deepest of respect to all, but have you noticed how many have suddenly become silent or have shorter tempers then usual? We are all at a frustration level that no one expected to be at 10-12 months ago. Its been a long haul and I hear people saying they are here and LONG on the stock. I think Long now is longer then what they or anyone expected. We are all here to make money, and for no other purpose, you didn't sign on here and become partof this group to find a date, thats what lavalife is for. You came here to make money. Plain and simple. This thing is taking much longer then anyone expected and i believe it will take a couple more years to play out. Our problem is we live in a society where information is at our fingertips and as such we react that much faster. I look back to Vosieys Bay, how did people get info then? Talk about impatient today, what did investors think at that time, relying on word of mouth and newspapers for information, the internet was a figment of anyones imagination, you are spoiled by information and believe that all information should be positive. It's time to be realistic in your expectations.

8. Final thoughts. If we all had crystal balls we would all be rich. Its the stock market, there is danger involved. Realize it, don't bet your kids food or the mortgage payment on stocks, play what you can afford and afford what you play. Be patient, its a virtue and will make you stronger.



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