Falcon Oil and Gas Ltd.

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in response to Shepp's message

Walk down memory lane....

You just reminded me of my virtual trip through this area back in 2012.

Here are the related post for the trip.


posted on Jul 02, 10 12:56PM

Okay, just where exactly the Shenondoah 1 is located? Well, it’s more than 550 kilometers south from Darwin as the crow flies, and it’s quite a bit longer if you’re taking the trip by road, but I wouldn’t mind it, since I love to travel. So, let’s travel south on the Stuart Hwy that’s also known as Explorer Hwy. Our destination is Daly Waters, which is a mere 40 kilometer from the dirt road that leads to the Shenandoah well site. So turn on your stereo because although the scenery is breathtaking, the Hwy is lonely most of the way. Oh yeah, don’t forget your camera. See you in Daly Waters.

On Stuart Hwy

Road Train

Daly Waters

posted on Jul 02, 10 02:20PM

The beauty of virtual traveling is that you are not bound by physical laws, so you can choose the time of arrival to your destination. So, here we are in Daly Waters, a very small place though, but it’s a heaven for weary travelers. Basically, it has a Pub and a filling station. Soon though, we would see the crew from the Shenandoah 1 well checking out what’s on tap :)

Meahwhile let's check it out.

Daly Waters NT

Daly Waters Pub, Australias most remote traffic light

Parking rules at Daly Waters pub

Daly Waters Pub

Line Up

Interior Daly Waters Pub

Daly Waters Servo

Beyond Daly waters

Heading south from Daly Waters


posted on Jul 02, 10 03:54PM

Heading south from Daly Waters, let's stop at the Dunmarra Roadhouse that's situated just 4 kilometers south of the dirt road that's leading to the Shenandoah 1 well. I think this is the place where the crew would come to for a touch of civilization.

Dunmarra Roadhouse

Re: Dunmarra

in response to Dunmarra by solyomtwo
posted on Jul 05, 10 09:31AM

Enjoyed your weekend? I did.

Time to get back onto the trail. Did I mention I’m driving a Hummer? Yeah, the H1. Driving 8 kilometers North from Dunmarra roadhouse on the Stuart Hwy, we turn east onto a bush trail. The point of destination is the Shenandoah 1 well site, about 18 kilometers away. Thankfully the trail is dry this time of the year.

I think everyone aware about the history of this site. Since this is a virtual tour, I can’t tell you what’s going on the site at this moment. However, with the help of Google Earth (image 2003) and with the help of a topographical map, I can show you the location of the Balmain 1 drilling site. About 500 feet from the Balmain 1 you would find the Shenandoah 1 well.

“In August 2007, PetroHunter commenced drilling the Shenandoah No. 1, a 500-foot offset to the Balmain well drilled by Pacific in 1992. The Shenandoah No. 1 was cased to a depth of 5,100 feet through the Mid-Kyalla Sandstone. Numerous oil and gas shows were encountered in the well, particularly oil shows in the Hayfield Sandstone and the Upper Kyalla Shale. After Falcon Oil & Gas acquired its 75 percent interest in the properties in 2008, and encouraged by the results of the Shenandoah No. 1, Falcon and PetroHunter deepened the well to 8,900 feet in 2009.”

What? no comments?

posted on Jul 06, 10 07:32PM

Hmmm. I’ve virtually stuck my finger down in the whole at the Shendoah 1 well, and get nary a comment. Good grief, what could have happened to our passionate Falcon contributors’?

Let me list what comes to mind:

1.Carpal tunnel. (inability to press on the keyboard or point the mouse)



4.Gag order in effect.

Frankly, the 13,000+ shareholders don’t give a damn about any of the above.

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