Hammertime's Profile

Hammertime's Posts

Re: McClendon’s American Energy to buy 55 million acres in Australia

Now this is interesting. I wonder if there is production or if its 1.5x the size of OK with no wells.

about 9 years ago
Re: Crazy Valuations

All this talk about crazy valuations and the stock is still at zero dollars and 14 cents. I wish the investment community would stop pumping this stock and let investor enthusiasm rise naturally as the drill program and derisking progresses. With exploration statistics of 1:10, everybody needs to wrap their heads around the fact that these wells could be dusters, or simply be uneconomic to produce 600 km from market. Putting out reports with these types of numbers only diminishes thier credibility as analysts and advisors and suggests they do not take their fiduciary responsibility to their investors seriously.

It will be next year at the earliest that we see any price movement, and this will be determined by if Origin keeps up the drill program based off of what they;ve seen with the 2015 wells. So calm down and keep your day jobs.

about 9 years ago
Re: Soly's message

Add to that list: A $200 million hurdle/pipeline

about 9 years ago
Re: enough...Enough of you already.....

Falcon may be sitting on billions of barrels, but they have no control. Timeline, costs, regulations, public opinion, weather are all issues that are going to ultimately eat up Falcon's ever-shrinking slice of the pie. And then add the fact that the pie isnt worth that much anymore (crude prices)... Im not selling, but Im not going to be a blowhard either.

about 9 years ago
Re: Soly's message

How do you mark this as spam?

about 9 years ago
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