Falcon Oil and Gas Ltd.

Welcome To The Falcon Oil and Gas HUB On AGORACOM A global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa
in response to solyomtwo's message

Same city, Toronto, also known as The Big Smoke. Same Exchange Tower, 36 storey high. Same half acre office complex on the third floor, home to hundreds of Market Makers. Same special ‘back-room’ where Faceless-Backroom-Boys ply their trade.

However, the time is 6 months later and the donuts on the sideboard was freshly delivered from Tim Hortons. So was the Fly in that same box.

The Chief FBB has a visitor, a CEO from a large capital investment firm.

“ What’s the status of my 50 million shares order of Falcon I placed last year, Chief?”

“ I’m sorry to say, but there isn’t any for you. Neither to anyone.” says the chief.

“ Explain, how’s that possible?”

“Let me ask you first, what’s the reason you are so keen to get 50 million shares of Falcon?”

“ Well, Falcon has 200 TCF of gas and 21 billion barrels of oil assets in Australia and Hungary. So, when it’s becomes proven, we’re talking 300 billion dollars value at minimum. Am I right, Chief?”

“So then, in your answer lies the explanation. When Falcon’s play becomes proven, Falcon itself will be worth 100 billion dollars. This fact and the fact that Falcon’s 4 largest investors own about 430 million shares of Falcon haven’t been lost on the other 13,000 long term investors.”

“ So you are saying that I’m shit out of luck. So then tell me what would I have to pay if I want to fill my order in the coming week?”

“North of 3 dollars and I’ll gladly accommodate you.”

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