Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to mikesmark's message

Our once informative message board has been replaced by speculation, complaining, personal attackes and threats (mostly to our BOD) that are both serious and idle at the same time. I am actually somewhat guilty of the same, allowing myself at times to get pulled in, purely out of frustration. I am a person of integrity and good moral standing so to get abused and taken advantage of by our own BoD and supposedly trusted business partner is very troubling to me. It is way beyond just being too stupid to know, they fell asleep on their watch while guarding our money!

I think we are in for a long road ahead and in an effort to keep my sanity, I decided to check out for a few weeks. Good luck to all and I want to that all the hub leaders and meaningful contributors that have graced this board.

If a serious effort is put forth to pursue our inept BoD, I will both support and contribute if the timing is right. For the sake of a few pivotal weeks, I do not think the timing is right now, and we can't afford to sap more time out of Otteson. A move like this may even chase him away, but he may be in support of it at a later date.

Long and strong with 312,000 shares, B/E is $.164... Current potential loss is -$33,696.00 if I sold today @ $.056...

Best regards...

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