Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to enoughalready's message

I agree, the past few years as I read this board and most recently with the court documents and then the bickering. I could not take it anymore and registered and vented which most is just speculation.

I am just going to say that I absolutely do not trust the BOD's and their association with DL. many as well as myself, sit with huge loses that should not have been and because of the Greed of DL and the BOD's. I am sure there are payments going to these bastards the past several years since 2008 when they figured it is better to join the skimming process then to fight DL. Just look at DL and his pattern of deceit and greed that a lot of this finally came to light with the BK, do you really think this will stop, not from his end, so we need a BOD's that we can trust with OUR MMP.

So now our BOD's are attempting to look innocent of what has been going on, selling out the shareholders, NO SUPPORT from them at all, they gave up, why?, $$$$$ is the only answer. I think looking what minimal shares that they have personally tells you what they KNOW, the shareholders were going to get squat, Divy's, really, would you acquire more shares if that was the case.

Anyways... I let the frustration of this get to me, so much so, after holding shares since 2006 that the past couple of weeks, I had to voice my opinion. I am looking forward to taking the BOD's down and perhaps you may think its best to wait, I am concerned that the BOD's are doing NOTHING when they have this opportunity.

Cease the moment!!

You and I have the close to the same amout of shares, I have 300K at .17, worth $15K if I could sell at .05, the remaining $15K, I would sacrafice it to take these bastards down!


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