Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
Re: Stillpt
over 10 years ago
in response to judd gray's message

If I read this:
".. we should run advertisements so that other investors (the vast majority) that do not partake in this board be invited to join in..."

or even better this:
"...that the actions of the board members and officers and others were not in the best interests "

I can only shake my head how unworldly some people on this messaging board are.

Just let me get this straight:
You want to litigate the company you are invested in?
And you want to accomplish ... what exactly? (Besides causing additional costs for PTSC and thus lowering PTSC's money on the bank).

Can't you all just stop this senseless and ridiculous talk about litigating the BoD of PTSC?

We are where we are and one of the main reasons why we are here is because of the Leckrones, which were NOT our partner then but Moore's partner and in order to get the licensing business done the former management (Mr. Pohl) ended the litigation with Moore/TPL and decided to join forces with them - now tell me WHO is really to blame for this mess we are in?

Writing this I welcome the usual suspects, Brian and Lambert and Ease et al to jump in immediately alluding me that management and BoD have destroyed shareholder value since 2006 (I still have shares in my account which show me this "destruction") and that it's all the BoD's fault.
But just some repeat it since seven years it doesn't mean it gets more true - it's still what it was then: wrong.

The MMP has brought in more than $300mio despite Leckrone responsible for the licensing business - and with the upcoming events (BK case of TPL, ITC and NorCal) there's a good chance the MMP will generate at least the same amount (all IMHO of course).

I recommend reading Moore's declaration in the BK case which gives you a good idea how the inventor assesses his own invention moneywise.

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