Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to Mike4321's message

is clearly pointed out within the very title of your post..

You wrote: .. "I keep wondering,how Biajj expect to MAKE MONEY from these postings and his PTSC position ???"

I do not expect nor want my "postings" to make me money in PTSC. I invested in PTSC Stock, not writings on an anonymous message board. You and your gang equate factual avoidance and deceptive feel good postings with justification and optimism for a higher stock price; you think you can pump it up with hype and inaccuracies. That is not going to happen, there are too too many danger and caution signs flashing to anyone who has half a brain. The cat has been clawing it's way out of the bag for a long time.

I expect to make money on this stock by having PTSC perform by selling significant MMP licenses, cutting our PDS and corporate expenses to the bare bone, for our leadership to put their secrecy, arrogance and dismissiveness of Shareholder's complaints on hold, and to finally seek out competent and successful corporate professionals to run this public company so it results in financial/wealth benefits to retail Shareholders instead of just to a few highly paid insiders and advisors like it has for the past 7 years.

I expect PTSC to make massive share buybacks during this current clusterphuxk that I believe could have been almost entirely avoided if they didn't foolishly and curiously drop the leverage of our TPL Fraud suit back in 2012, and for them to solicit a Tender Offer for at least 30% of the Shares in the float; even if we have to go into debt and borrow money at 10% secured by future MMP licensee fees to do so.

You can spend your time trying to hustle and trick a few new buyers at 10 cents, and I'll spend my time reminding and pointing out to leadership that we investors have little left of our investment that we can still lose, but it is now they who are truly at the tip of the bayonet; and I think they know it.

tic toc, tic toc

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