Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
Re: BUSHleague
almost 15 years ago
Re: BUSHleague
almost 15 years ago
Re: Barbwire
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Re: Barbwire
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Re: BUSHleague
almost 15 years ago
Re: BUSHleague
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Re: BUSHleague
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Re: BUSHleague
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Re: BUSHleague
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Re: ease2002
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Re: ease2002
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Re: ease2002
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Re: ease2002
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Re: ease2002
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Re: ease2002
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Re: ease2002
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Re: BUSHleague
almost 15 years ago

I'll limit my comments to a few:

1. Based on all that we have observed, I certainly don't think this move this week was a spur of the moment decision. With that in mind, I expect further significant developments over the next few weeks. What form those take, I won't venture to guess, though I have my theories and concerns. If there are none, personally, I'll be even more concerned.

2. While I was ridiculed by many for questioning Baroni's LLC credentials so intently, I think it is clear now why Baroni was originally hired, and not Eclat. And my desire to know more about Baroni, and his associates, IMO, has proven to be well founded. Now that we see that relationship developing, there are many inferences that can be drawn from that. I tend to think this is more than a fee based consulting project for Baroni.

3. As I have always inidcated, Baroni is an impressive and well connected figure. In one sense, it's interesting and promising that the BOD was able to attract him. In another sense, when you consider some the the short and long term goals AND NEEDS of Eclat, and Boroni's impressive credentials, as Brian implies, there are many things Baroni may "see" that attracted and continue to attact him. Ultimately, it is my belief in looking at the respective resumes, business histories and successes/failures, and possibly intellect, (though that's a hard one to judge as my knowledge is anectdodal with all of them), I'm inclined to think that Baroni holds a significant edge over those members of our BOD in all departments, and depending on is intentions and how he might use that edge, can mean many things. I'm quite wary of him, but also excited of what he CAN represent in the right circumstances. I certainly believe he can and will run circles around CJ et al if that's his goal.

4. As Tucci pointed out, Baroni has some skeletons in his closet of his own, and they're not necessarily minor ones. Considering what is apparently being implied through the 10q regarding the Crossflo deal, some other questionable characters in PTSC history, not to mention the Leckrones, and finally Swartz's minion still pulling the strings, I wonder sometimes what exactly attracts these people to come together through PTSC. Is it coincidental? I doubt it. Ultimately, I personally always EXPECT integrity, honesty, and a business strategy geared toward the ENTIRE greater good, both shareholder wise, and society wise (in serving an important need), for any public company, and including this one, so while I'm expecting those things here, I KNOW certain characters haven't lived up to those expectations. The six degrees of separation of these jettisoned, and surviving players would be an interesting one to review.

5. It's my belief that if this B.O.D were ever feeling vulnerable, it is now. A concerted organized effort by shareholders to pressure them, in my opinion, if it were to be undertaken now, would have the best chance of effecting change.

Bottom line for me is that the fact that we got news was no surprise. I WAS surprised as to the content of the news and the seeming nefarious implications. In my opinion, based on performance, associations, strategic vision and skillsets of this BOD this company receives no confidence from the market, and deservedly so. I personally, as I know many here feel as well, have no trust in them that they are looking out for shareholders or that they have a CONSTRUCTIVE AND STRATEGIC PLAN that will ultimately benefit us. In fact, at times I suspect the opposite. Obviously, that is a pretty low opinion to have of them, and I hope mine is jaded beyond merit. To date, they have proven that NOT to be the case, but I accept that that can change. They have to prove it so, though. Proceed with caution.

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